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About IronWolf

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  1. This takes me back. Had the WA version (also open bolt) in 2009-2010, wish I never traded it away!
  2. New mags are starting to surface, looks very promising:
  3. Terrific resource, thank you for sharing Hetzer.
  4. IronWolf


    : )
  5. Any more info Nugent? Are they built to look like STANAG's or are they aesthetically different too?
  6. That can't be correct about the magazines, they charge $42.50 for a single magazine at the moment!
  7. Looking forward to more pics of it in use!
  8. Definitely grey. It's for maritime based operations, I recall seeing it on their latest brochure! *Starts rummaging* *Edit* http://www.scribd.com/doc/99812721/FirstSpear-Catalog-Summer-2012#page=6
  9. Heads up: I'm pretty sure there's a strandhogg variant that's also available in grey if that floats your boat : )
  10. Those leg mounted sub-loads look a little awkward to use
  11. Looks like VFC have released some CO2 mags for it (47.50 USD @ WGC): http://www.wgcshop.com/wgc2008/main/product_detail1.php?search_From=special&item=VFC-MAG-MP5G30-BK02&search=special&rs=New%20Release&catid=&cat=
  12. IronWolf


    Pictures of various airsoft guns
  13. Pretty sure they've all been AEG's posted so far Pkekyo.
  14. Nice as usual MRK . How did you attach the groin panel to the CVC?
  15. From the magwell size it looks like he's using the new colt LE901, can anyone confirm? ctres94: S&S make their own elastic mag pouches, it's more likely to be S&S considering the use of the plate frame.
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