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TAD Gear Site Hacked


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Hey guys its important if you have ordered from TAD since august to read this. This was taken from soldier systems.


I don’t think any company wants to have to tell their customers something like this but TAD Gear found out last night that their server had been hacked. They placed the following information on their Facebook page and are taking steps to fix things on their end. They recommend that anyone who purchased online from them between August 6, 2009 and November 16, 2009, cancel the card they used and take a hard look at any transactions.


“This notice is to inform our customers of a security incident at TAD Gear. We recently learned that our database was illegally accessed from an external source, and it appears that some customer data were taken, which may include customer names, contact information and credit card data. The possibility of a security breach came to our attention when certain customers notified us that unauthorized charges had appeared on their credit cards. Upon learning of the potential breach of security, TAD Gear immediately initiated an investigation, and took corrective steps based on the advice of an internet security firm. We have also contacted law enforcement.


If you purchased merchandise from TAD Gear on-line between August 6, 2009 and November 16, 2009, and the credit card used to purchase that merchandise is still valid, in order to protect yourself from the possibility of identity theft or misuse of your credit card information, we recommend that you immediately contact the issuer of that credit card and close your account. Tell them that your account may have been compromised. If you want to open a new account, ask your credit card issuer to give you a PIN or password, as this will help control access to the account.


In addition, we recommend that you place a fraud alert on your credit files. A fraud alert lets creditors know to contact you before opening new accounts. Just call any one of the three credit reporting agencies at a number below. This will let you automatically place fraud alerts with all of the agencies. You will then receive letters from all of them, with instructions on how to get a free copy of your credit report from each.


Experian Equifax TransUnion

888 397 3742







When you receive your credit reports, look them over carefully. Look for accounts you did not open. Look for inquiries from creditors that you did not initiate. And look for personal information, such as your home address and Social Security number, which is not accurate. If you see anything you do not understand, call the credit reporting agency at the telephone number on the report.


If you do find suspicious activity on your credit reports, call your local police or sheriff’s office and file a police report of identity theft. Get a copy of the police report. You may need to give copies of the police report to creditors to clear up your records. Even if you do not find any signs of fraud on your reports, we recommend that you check your credit report every three months for the next year. Just call one of the numbers above to order your reports and keep the fraud alert in place.


For more information on identity theft, we suggest that you visit the web site of the California Office of Privacy Protection at www.privacy.ca.gov, or the Federal Trade Commission at www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/microsites/idtheft. If there is anything TAD Gear can do to assist you, please email us at action@tadgear.com, a special email address that we have set up to help answer your questions.”

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I'd get a new card if I was you. It costs nothing and saves you from worrying.


Card security is based on the issuer and the type of card. If every transaction you make asks you for a verification password tied to your card, then that's the best way to make sure that even if your card details are cloned, it can't get used anywhere.


If not, then everything is possible. Having said that though, almost all credit cards have fraud insurance in place. If you identify it and let the bank know, they are bound to refund you sooner or later.


Credit card fraud if a very serious problem, and people should protect their transactions by all means necessary.



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######, I ordered something in september. I'm Belgian though and it's said that European cards have better security, should I be worried?


It doesn't matter, they have your card number, security code and expiry date. It can be used. Mine was. I spotted that there was a fraud occurring a week ago and got a new card already. Don't know who's telling you european cards have better security, they're all as weak as each other.

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As a professionally trained 'White Hat' hacker I.e. security breach testing, your card security is reasonably meaningless, across the web are age old systems from a number of sites that have bank authorisation. These often will ONLY require a card number, a name and an expiry date. All of which may have been compromised. As the letter says immediately put a fraud alert out on yourself. This will mean creditors will contact you BEFORE opening a new account, or any change of address (I.e. changing where your bills go). I would immediately cancel your card and request a new one. That way any attempt to use your credit card number will be declined and you should be notified. Remember, it could take weeks or months for you to get the money back, can you really afford to wait that long instead of cancelling your card?

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That's why I'm using e-VISA card when Paypal is not available, especially for international payments.


For a single purchase, I ask my bank (LCL) to generate a unique virtual VISA card with a virtual number, a virtual expiracy date and a virtual crypto code (the 3 numbers at the back).

And I load this card with the amount of money I choose, corresponding to my purchase including shipping fees (...).


This card can be used only 1 time, after it's over and is there is still an extra money on it (because of currency change, I load a little bit more), if it is not used after 3 month, it just disappear (it is never taken from my bank account to this virtual card).


So if a *bramston pickle* has hacked the site where I put this number, too *fruitcage* bad for him, he will have nothing from me !


If your bank offers this kind of thing, you should seriously think about it.



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