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About Docv400

  • Rank
    Stop that...it's silly!
  • Birthday 03/16/1962

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  • Airsofter since
    First gun bought Sep05, have few more now...
  • Most likely to say
    Where the hell did that come from?
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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    South Bucks UK
  • Interests
    Airsoft...well Duh! Bikes & Trikes (Motor & pedal)

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  1. Let's face it, no-one in authority would dare question whether that is actually >50% bright colours, for fear of having to actually prove it Not a huge fan of 'Digital' patterns, but that has to be the best DIY execution of the type I've ever seen, great job!
  2. Apologies for the poor quality shots, didn't have time to take any more before it went back to it's owner... A friend's SOCOM and the Silencer I made for it. He wanted a fairly 'short and fat' one, which I didn't think would suit the Rifle, he wouldn't budge on the size so I suggested a compromise. Have the larger diameter, but offset the bore so the body sits lower, in line with the Rifle's stock. I think it came out OK...
  3. Repeat after me... "Every M14 is Special".
  4. I've used the Montana Gold range and am very impressed with the finish, huge range of colours available too, I'll never pay over the odds for Krylon again! It's best to use a primer designed for use on plastics before applying as well (on plastic parts).
  5. Anyone tried posting 3D pics on here (or anywhere else for that matter)? The simple 'cross-eyed' method works pretty well... SSG69Pro posted these on his hand-made M14 Oak stock thread, enjoy... http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/173186-handmade-m14-stock-from-german-oak-picture-flood/page__view__findpost__p__2517592
  6. Was that L96 Airbrushed Viper? My first attempt at a proper camo job...
  7. Thanks for that info. I bought the few I have from an Art shop in Canterbury (my Son's at Uni there), definately a good idea to get them 'in person' if possible.
  8. Woodland theme this time... And a close-up showing the texture you get with the 'Stone Chip' paint... Could do with a darker green as well, must order some more paints...
  9. That's the general consensus so far. I meant it to be a bit more subtle, but I got a bit carried away It's not off one of my AEGs (although I do have a SOCOM), it's a spare stock I had lying around. I also have enough spares to build another SOCOM, so I'll do the rest of the externals sometime and put it together. It was more of an 'experiment' to be honest, I thought it was about time I tried my hand at painting. For UK members, I found a good alternative to Krylon. Much greater range of colours, and about half the price... MontanaPaints Click on the 'Click to Purchase' link to
  10. My first 'proper' attempt at a full camo job, just a quick 15minute 'try-out' Too much? Be honest/brutal/critical...
  11. From the Gunman Airsoft Battle for Anzio 'Operation Shingle' weekender, Candleston, South Wales, Nov 2010. Out on patrol... Fallschirmjäger Regiment 2 group shot. I'm far-right... Spotting for our MG42 Gunner... At my regular site, GASS. Piddington Military Training Ground, near Bicester...
  12. Sorry, I missed this the first time... Here you go. As you can see, I had to modify the mag for the latch arrangement, by insetting a small Alloy plate to put the hole in.
  13. Apart from the foregrip, I like it (anything with big lumps of Alloy is fine by me)
  14. Part of me wants to see the rest of that gun, but most of me doesn't I'm not a fan of 'Tacticalised' AKs, but yours looks pretty good uba, nice job!
  15. I blended out the sharp edges on the front of my AtoZ bolt handle, makes a big difference to cocking it. Still tough to do but nowhere near as uncomfortable.
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