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  1. After a fun day:) DSC05722.jpg by RedEarMedia, on Flickr
  2. Just bad soldering by me...and bad tape isolation in soldering area.
  3. Forget the post above! ... I'm an idiot specter works 100%, just as I was not careful enough. Got support directly by the manufacturer who offered to help me immediately. Super good service!
  4. Having big problems to fit the 3 cabels from the nextgen fet in/under the bufferttube.....anybody have a good way of doing that?...i am stuck there
  5. A 30h milisimgame...and 20min sleep total;)
  6. Our team had overwatch on the latest game;)...was done ingame. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-whxugkBGAMw/UPx7oy3xiUI/AAAAAAAAYTE/n_iT7lcdz_Y/s720/20%2520januari%25202013%2520115.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-r2zKB4Gk7I8/UPx7pp4kRhI/AAAAAAAAYTM/P7bVKbG39NI/s720/20%2520januari%25202013%2520116.jpg https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/--ELvVhD4w-E/UPx7qdjmyZI/AAAAAAAAYTU/Xh0CGIDILy4/s720/20%2520januari%25202013%2520118.jpg https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-aEL3mOiLRp8/UPx8h2YIlSI/AAAAAAAAYbE/YA4E90RpPzA/s720/20%2520januari%25202013%2520243.jpg All photos from Borka: https://p
  7. Its going to be fun too shoot video inte the team with this;) http://www.stridsverket.se/2013/01/airsoft-helmet-cam-aka-rotating-ego-cam.html
  8. I run: orginal spring or or eaglel6 110 and 120 spring gp 160 motor kingarms fullmetall piston upgrade recoilspring from eagle6 steel springguied 11.1 35c 3500 lipo all other thing orginal....its an ARMY 55 (100% TM clone) runs fine on alla springs
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