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About AngusSkie

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 10/30/1969

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    Jan 2006
  • Toy collection
    CA 249
    CA M15A4 Carbine
    TM S System
    TM M4
    TM MP7A!
  • Most likely to say
    I love it when things go KABLEWY!
  • Country
    United States

Contact Methods

  • MSN
  • Website URL
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Profile Information

  • Location
    Slidell, La
  • Interests
    Airsoft, anime, models, collecting figures, and volunteering at W.O.R Radio.
  1. Nice weap Sectionfive. Love the Sig slim
  2. THanks Blah. I wasnt to sure if my stock came with 2 diffrent sizes. It been so long since I got it I couldnt remmber.
  3. Angry, mine came with the short tube for it. Even being 6'2" I still don't take the stock all the way out and it sits very comfy in my hands on the 3rd setting position. Though when I got the stock I had to have a friend help me, we had to dermal out the positions in the tube some so the latch would catch but other than that the gun went togther like nothing and is very solid. Negative, the group I play with shoots around 360ish FPS, and right now my AR sits right at 350 FPS on average. The thing that surprised me was even with a short barrel I have a very tight shot group. Its very accu
  4. I was finally able to get all the peices to get this made, took me a couple months but I got her made. SOPMOD stock CASV front end Blackwater metal body King Arms Red dot Polycarb Piston and pistonhead M100 spring Systema Tightbore Guarder MOD Tactical Grip Aggg I cant remmber what pistol grip I put on it but I think its a Eagle Egro pistol grip.
  5. Heres my little spot of heaven. lol
  6. Man Lionheart, Titlest and catch, you guys got some sweet loadouts. I cant wait to get my whole set up.
  7. Yep, hard job you guys got here, doing an awsome job!
  8. Ledpocket, I was thinking of putting a shorter barrel on my M4 Sys, and you just convinced me to do it. Nice Pics man.
  9. Already put it up in anouther thread but figured it fit here to.
  10. ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved came pu
  11. An oldie, but still a beauty, fries like she brand new. CA M15A4, with a Hurricane carrying handel, King Arms red dot, and Kimg Arms Frount flip up sight.
  12. Finally was able to get the camera working so I took these old Gen 1 CA M15A4, freshly cleaned up and still fires great. It has a Hurricane carrying handle with a King Arms red dot. well I had some multicam fabric laying around and decided to do something nutty, sniped off a strip and wrapped up the CA, yea it looks goofy, but I wonder if it work this way rather than painting the weapon?
  13. heres my two babys 2005 Chevy Avalanche 2006 Honda Rebel. Only 250cc, but at 110 miles to a tank I aint griping. lol
  14. Titleist I have a grid wall up and looks awsome, ignor the swords on the wall but heres a pic to give you an idea.
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