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About Armourpiercing

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 05/03/1981

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    About 1994 ish
  • Toy collection
    Far too much but still not enough!!
    Walther 2000 AEG
    about 15 AEG's
    4 Shotties
    about 35 GBB pistols
    Tanio Koba 10/22

    y' know - usual stuff!
  • Most likely to say
    Type O Negative are the greatest band on the planet - all others fail in comparison.
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Reading, England.
  • Interests
    Trying to find somebody a UK supplier of 'Arms' Magazine. Any clues?

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  1. Random militaria outlets, I snapped up two. The one I've pictured is £130 and the more used one was £90. The surefire is real but a very old one, I'm not great with that kind of thing, I couldn't give any other useful info. AP.
  2. Another! I was going for this look: MP5 A3 SF Real lower on this cost a bomb! Luke
  3. Take the sear/arm out of the trigger pack that does you semi auto & shim it back to the correct position OR wrap a piece of aluminium around it - coke can or something. Problem solved. They do light strike when full/warm depending on age... AP.
  4. Ok, Finally success. I needed to take the exposed end of the rubber, take a piece of pipe/metal ring, force it over the rubber & crush it tight. Then I added PVC sealant inside the chamber end of the rubber. This seems to be holding the ammo in place after a couple of hundred rounds. AP.
  5. You probably need to change the hop rubber. AP.
  6. I split another hop rubber again this evening, I'm not going to continue along the route of vsr mods, it's - my range & accuracy was better with the standard set up. Total waste of time & money. AP.
  7. Oh, ehobby Asia had the 130% hammer springs. AP.
  8. I've used the original units & arms, the after market for regular AEG - only one works and that's in the MP5K. I've modified the arms to take different nubs, I've tried everything. I get ammo straight down the barrel in about 5 different hop units unless its so far on it only flies .43's straight. So far it's toss. The ones that did works stopped doing so very quickly. AP
  9. Thank you for that. Are the mags completely full of gas &/or a bit warm? Have you locked the charging handle back before you insert the mag? Use a 130% hammer spring & the blowback problems tend to go away, if they don't then check the area where you hop adjust grub screw is - you may have broken ammo in there. AP.
  10. So what's stopping your ammo just dropping down the barrel? What rubber are you using? AP.
  11. That's what I was talking about. I can't imagine I've got it wrong a dozen times, I'm not trying to blow my own horn, but with my personal skills on gbb guns I can't see how its that great if I can't make it work. AP.
  12. Here we go. 23 rounds in one burst, 6:30pm and normal early April breeze. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7qw7MiKius&feature=youtu.be AP.
  13. I've spent hours & days trying to make the VSR hop mod actually work & it doesn't. To start with it's fine but after a while BB's fall down the barrel when you fire the weapon & the next round chambered. The only way I can make them keep ammo in the chamber is to keep the hop almost all the way on which gives you about 10 feet of travel before anything but a .43 goes directly into the air - I've tried it with really low power recoil springs (60% in some cases) & even shortening the nozzle, but they just keep pushing the ammo straight down the barrel. That's five mod
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