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About SGTOmegaM14

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/14/1989

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    December '06
  • Country
    United States

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Victorville, So Cal
  1. I was actually thinking about going in as a 21B at some point as well, but I've decided that I'm going in with an 11B option 40 contract.
  2. If you look closely you can see the M16 magazine well, so it's a railed 249. Still looks sexy though.
  3. It's always done at Benning. Benning is the home of Infantry OSUT, Airborne School, RIP and a 2 Phases of Ranger School.
  4. From those colors I would have to say 1918 Earth Brown looks closer/better.
  5. Wow Bruce, I'm fairly sure you just convinced me to convert my M14 to an EBR. That thing is beautiful.
  6. My babies so far, TM M14 and TM M9 GBB.
  7. Here's all the stuff I have so far. Soon to be adding pouches I just purchased from Redwolf. As well as a holster for the M9.
  8. Love the M14 Medic! I plan on getting a RIS for my M14 and silencer so I can get a longer barrel.
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