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About barnezilla

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 08/29/1984

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  • Country
    United States

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  1. I was wondering that while I was looking at the pic too, it was during staging and I must have not put it in yet.
  2. I accidentally made this while messing around at 3am, when I put it together I was like HOLY ###### that looks awesome! with different flash hider
  3. Purchased some accessories/gear; smooth transaction; and pretty quick shipping; would do business with again. Thanks

  4. ill just leave this here....
  5. My new CA m249 MK1 and DBoys RK-02 with freshly installed Russian RPK wood and Ukranian Tourniquet, Still have some work to do on both of them but each are turning out rather nicley and skirmish phenomenally.
  6. the new Cyma underfolder is pretty damn sold but still cant compare to the RMW/Ino/VFC durability and build quality. Steel is just so far superior to pot metal to me its not even funny. Im really looking foward to the dboys AKMs. That should be a beast if its anything close to the quality of my RK-03. The only thing to me that Dboys fails at is the wood, which can easily and cheaply be replaced with RS.
  7. Anymore rails and it will have to be moved to the armalite thread
  8. Now that IS A SWEEET GUN! where did you get that lower HG
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