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About thegunrunner

  • Rank
    Regular Poster

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United States

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  1. thank you for how you handled the situation. gun is great!

    thank you again!

  2. Couldn't find a anywhere else to put this:
  3. From what I know, there aren't all that many of these out there. Last time I heard from LCT, all the rest they had were sent to Hong Kong, so expect to find some there soon.
  4. KSC with SD slide Soon to be joined by a full size one.
  5. Made a drawing in Photoshop of my GP35
  6. I never knew how big the M500 really is, till now.
  7. Here's my TM, with a few upgrades
  8. The real steel magazine shells and wood grips really do a great job making the airsoft look good. I should get back to modifying mine too.
  9. Tanaka GP35 with Tanaka MKIII
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