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About crackisbad

  • Rank
    Just the tip?
  • Birthday 11/02/1984

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  • Airsofter since
  • Most likely to say
    How Wonderful It Is To Do Nothing And Relax Afterwards!
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    Starbucks, Washington
  • Interests
    my wife, me, myself, football!!!! racquetball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, mountain biking, soccer, snowboarding, airsoft

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  1. Yea, I usually like to play pretty fast and light so I can move around a lot (which usually translates to getting shot a whole bunch) but this might make that a little difficult... Maybe I'll just post up for some defense. EBR support turret?
  2. So I don't have a nice digital scale, but it looks like mine is about 8.5-9 lbs completely bare (no accessories, no mag, no battery)
  3. just post the review in a new post and I will edit it into the original post
  4. Sorry but just linking to an outside review is not allowed. If you wish to post the link you need to also post the review here
  5. Lol, worlds cheapest eotech clone that i got like 5 years ago Just threw on some accessories i had laying around so it wouldn't be so bare BTW, TM style M14s have the hop up unit C clip further in so normal barrels wont work as the cuts in the barrel are too far out. However, i have seen some aftermarket barrels that have both cut outs but the majority do not.
  6. Heavy as a mother When i get back home I'll try to remember to weigh it if no one else has by then
  7. Speaking of: I've been after one of these for ever now so I am super excited! Its just a cyma but I love it so far! :D
  8. Steve I like your style: I finally got some wood RS SVD grips and a wood stock so hopefully I will have an updated picture soon
  9. Who the hell spiked the water in the picture forums? It feels like every day its something <_<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mirska


      Looks like i missed some good drama on the 1k thread.

    3. Leon Kennedy

      Leon Kennedy

      The 1k thread was the best seeing as it was the 1k thread.

    4. crackisbad


      yea, with the amount of drama going on here you'd think this is a forum for 15 year old girls :)

  10. This is a picture thread. D.E you started this with a very aggressive post and everything you are blaming other people of doing, you did in your first (and subsequent posts). This is a picture thread for TOYS that have over the top spending. In fact this whole forum is basically about over the top spending on TOYS. If someone makes $400k a year and spends $4k on a toy, that is 1% of his income. If someone makes $40k a year and spends $4k on a toy, that is 10% of his income. Either way it is their choice to spend what ever they want. By your logic, I could argue that spending $1
  11. This: http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/160165-home-made-hand-made-guns/ And this: http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/187779-unconventional-guns-picture-thread/ Since we dont have a "bullpup" thread, i will change this thread to that. However, I will leave final veto power with Misfit though
  12. A wild Mk18 appears! It uses confusion. Its super effective! But seriously guys, two pages of posts in a picture thread about whether out not a gun is on semi or safe? More pics, less petty arguments please.
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