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About jvj(a.o.t)

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  • Birthday 07/04/1986

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    Denmark, Fyn
  1. Looks great, but damn isnt it frustrating with all those dead people just standing around? Especialy inside houses!? I would be like "Get the f*** on the ground or out of the area YOUR DEAD!"
  2. Looks awsome... How about the enemy?
  3. We got a flag made for our "russi" team:-)
  4. We are still looking for a place to sew our team logo:
  5. It's a Dye I4 mask. Unfortunatly it is the rule on most fields here in denmark that you have to wear full-face masks.
  6. Tha bomb yes? (The PB-mask is reguirment where i played, just a normal skirmish-game)
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