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Everything posted by Misfit

  1. My vote probably doesn't count as much, but I agree.
  2. You play at LFW/LFU? I swear, I played a LFW game with you and you had an AUG and MG42. Is that MG42 still playing up? It made a damn nice noise.
  3. Well he should, I told him to. I'm the twat-master. (Oo err).
  4. You truly are, a moron. Get a cut, mophead.
  5. This isn't a shampoo thread, want to talk about hair and beauty products (which real men and airsofters dont) go to a beauty forum! And long hair is for sissys.
  6. At my local site, someones new CA249 imploded, the gearbox was totalled completely. It was brand new too. I'd go with a STAR.
  7. It is keeping with geardo, as the real guys use that boot, don't care what it looks like, because it does the job better than a "real boot".
  8. Nope, not the Royal Army mate. Closest thing you can get to the 'Royal Army' is probably the Royal Marines.
  9. I always use Firefox, and it always works. Huzzah!
  10. Never had it.. PS: it's cos ur intarwab iz teh sucx
  11. Is the guy on the left (closest to the cameraman) called BamBam? He looks like a marshall from LF.
  12. Christ, people give him a grilling and they don't even know the full facts. Seeing as the bloke in question is older than most of the people trying to tell him off, I'm sure he was sensible and asked for permission.. hell, he could even be USMC, you don't know anything about him. May as well ask for all the details of what happened before trying to have a go at somebody over the internet.
  13. Pft, it's just because these people have no style. The SCP 90 looks amazing. How much did it cost you?
  14. Damn, that makes full stock M4's look MEAN!
  15. The guy next to him is a Wannabe team member. The picture was taken in the Safezone Championships.
  16. Misfit

    Ferry Pier

    Heh, were you on your way to a game, or just got kitted up and went for a picture? Did the civvies go all crazy and start saying "OMGZ A GUN BAD BUYS TERRORISM RUUUUN".
  17. Deagle? What be this thing you speak of?
  18. Oh ######, I can't edit and I forgot out the smiley, just incase you take it the wrong way or anything, I was only messing about.
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