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About demoncase

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 11/17/1978

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    Xm8, M4SOPMOD, M4a1, XM177, M16VN,M16a2, M14, SSG69, Uzi
    M9 Stainless FMV, USPc, Mk23, Constrictor, 1911a1
  • Most likely to say
    *groan* Anyone got some painkillers?
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Airsofting, Motorcycles (Riding/falling off/repairing), Cocktails, organising, military history.

    I'm a professional Quality Engineer and used to be a Material Scientist working for the M.O.D,
  1. Yeah. Not to my tastes...There's a few in the portfolio that just don't float my boat.
  2. It's a one of my rarer, discontinued models- it's a Bob Lum Tanto with the harder to find PVD coating...It's a really nice knife. My favourites are probably the Police and the Civilian.
  3. I'll just leave this here- the collection as of Saturday
  4. Something a bit more pimpy.... KJW M1911a1 FMV with spalted cherrywood grips.... Me gusta.
  5. Revolvers you say? Tanaka goodness through and through: all with real wood grips (because it's just right for a wheelgun) From the left: M10 Midnight Blue finish SAA 5.5" Heavyweight detachable cylinder model M19 Heavyweight Python M49 Bodyguard M29 [/url]
  6. Nice finish on that wood...and is that N690 Bohler steel?
  7. That CZ's a thing of beauty
  8. Something a bit more racey than my normal wheelieguns....Tanaka M327 TRR8 with holosight and laser.
  9. Gas in grip makes me sad inside.....This'll be Marushin shooting at Inokatsu prices. Really, really needed a Tanaka PEGASUS system's 'guts' in that cylinder. Apart from that- Let's hope it's heavy enough to cosh-into-unconsciouness any weeaboo in the safezone who goes "OMFG- dats a Mateba jus' like Ghost In Dur Shell"
  10. I'll make it $10 for you. I'm feeling charitable.
  11. Colonial Marine, checking in..... Express elevator to hell: GOING DOWN!
  12. Some Tanaka porn, all with real wood Incidentally- if anyone has a Tanaka revolver they are interested in selling or trading, give me a shout
  13. Some Tanaka porn, all with real wood Incidentally- if anyone has a Tanaka revolver they are interested in selling or trading, give me a shout
  14. Marine Force Recon- circa 1971.... And a cheesy shot with the m49 snubbie Kit List: ERDL flower-powers Nomex gloves (It was 2oC. Sue me!) OD towel Jungle boots with dogtag M61 belt set for M14 NVA Indig' rucksack Airstrike panel Claymore satchel Hardwear: Cyma M14 with some fine-*albatross* proper wood. Tanaka M49 Snubbie on a 'dummy cord' Coupla Smokes Coupla Baseball frags. Et voila!
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