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About adadqgg

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    This knife cannot hurt you if you believe

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  1. That is just Rsov being dumb. And funny thing is that Cyma wood is better.
  2. It looks more like he just put pvc tube over barrel, not flash hider ; you should do same thing. What thing? All I ever said was that I do not like those weird AK and stated reason why. Not like I care about what other people like; because if they did not, I would run out of things to point/laugh at.
  3. I do not see how not caring about details on AK has anything to do with SVD... Especially when this SVD cloned RealSword on externals; real problem is material. ...And that horrible overpriced wood.
  4. WE trolled players; Even "collector" version with steel receiver will NOT have steel barrel; all other parts are same as aluminum receiver version(which means still many potmetal parts). They are looking to release a "ultimate" edition.
  5. I am not saying anyone is vastly inferior as person for owning weird AK. I am just saying it does not make sense to me to get all accesories made for AR15(and probably cost more than base gun) and put them onto AK. I am pretty sure even FSB do not go full-magpull.
  6. It is not life-and-death in airsoft so whatever functionality added is not significant anyway. And in airsoft internals are mostly same between AK and M4; if AK does not work for someone...why AK in first place?
  7. You need charging handle on LEFT side. XD I love Stalker the game for many reasons but gun model is not one of those reasons.
  8. They are easy to find on Red-Alliance. Just search for UMBTS-compatible SVD pouch for 6sh112 $18 each not including shipping. http://www.red-alliance.net/forum/index.php?topic=14941.0
  9. Gas rod is not simulated; it just happens to get pushed forward by force of bolt returning. WE krapwood is going to be krap. Spending $100 extra for it is just outrageous. Trigger box(the thing trigger guard is connected to) and top cover takedown latch should also be steel or WE is more retarded than I thought. On tons of realsteel AK and SVD furnitures i have seen, none of them look as plastic as WE. And I doubt some sandpaper and refinishing techinique will make wood laminated. Imo, only realsteel furniture that is worse than WE is Bulgarian solid wood, and those still loo
  10. My favorite thread explaining how great KWA is: http://forums.airsoftmechanics.com/index.php/topic,4872.0.html
  11. I love how you've become the poster child of hate/strongly worded opinions on Arnie's LOL.

    1. adadqgg


      I am hater and I am gonna hate.

  12. You see, if there is to exist a proper SKS picture thread... You would have to begin mass production of SKS body kits. And then they will be fitted with bad American-made accesories such as cheap plastic stock(with pistol grip) and "CHEAP PLASTIC MAGAZINE THAT FEEDS CARTRIDGE LIKE CONSTANTLY JAMMING PEZ CANDY BOX" and then "LARGE MOUND FORMS OVER SIMONOV'S GRAVE BY CONSTANT TUMBLING OF HIS ANGRY CORPSE." (Ivan Chesnokov) And still not hit largest side of barn at hick party. No doubt due to influence of Battlefield3.
  13. If you are talking about that guy with user name misha on R-A. He does not frequent R-A much anymore and he sold most, if not all, his Russian stuff; now he is doing battlefield journalist impression. I still remember one night when he went on a solo recon mission then later that night came back to help us against capitalist night attack...then walked off with two prisoners. When you talk to him IRL, even though at that Op:EastWind(V) his character is a very-angry praporshik of some sort, he is a nice person. I say that after living in Soviet camp for nine days even after he called my
  14. Cheaper than Dirt is a great place which usually get bits and pieces of Eastern-Bloc militaria on sale for very cheap price; I recall buying my East German bayonet and Esbit stove there.
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