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Everything posted by galih_INA

  1. Yup...I filled with some bangs and smokes
  2. I kinda like the mix EI and paraclete style pouches...to give and extra "touch"...I was going with full paraclete style pouches then I felt a bit dull. so there you go. anyway, heres my 4 sided pic :
  3. Thanks coolheart, forgot to put my kitlist : Mich 2002 with anvis Sordin with TEA RAV SG mix paraclete and ei style pouch DCU raid Safety lanyard Belleville HK416 and 1911 custom kimber style most of them are replicas except the anvis mount.
  4. Im not expert on using camera...so here it is
  5. yes, its all in RG, and yes, its garmin foretex 101. LOL, I forgot to editted the picture, I was aware from beginning, but thanks to remind me again
  6. maybe not the most realistic one, but I hope you guys dont mind if I share these pic's : thanks
  7. @Ion : Sori for late reply. yes its correct GRAD 2 and its local custom made from my comrade friend. It cost lest than 40 USD. Tx Sir my_plague_666 for the answer. Its funny to find GORKA S match with GRAD...I actually was looking with Smerh since GRAD 2 dont have any SVD pouches. sori for OT...please continue
  8. RS SVD...all standard spec. I hope you guys dont mind about the operator pic.
  9. here's my RS SVD pic. it does looks too shinny fot some people But it look fine for me if you see from this pic I would suggest to make a wood replica of the woodkit from good carpenter and make a weathered effect from it.
  10. tx alot sir...it helps alot
  11. Hello all, Hope someone could help me...I'm trying to take out gearbox from the lower receiver. I try and managed to opened till this step : http://s224.photobucket.com/albums/dd100/G...DAxMjIuanBn.jpg Then I stucked. Need guidance.... Tx all
  12. I dont know, but the grips look to chubby for me...I prefer the slim one. But nice pic...
  13. one of the best pic so far...well done mate makes me want to add FAL in my collection
  14. my simple WA Kimber SIS (standard) & 1911 Bureau Nova Custom
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