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sideshow Bob

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About sideshow Bob

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 03/06/1985

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  • Airsofter since
  • Most likely to say
    Nothing at all
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Website URL
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  • Interests
    Photography, Diving, Dive Photography!
  1. Do you guys skirmish with these or are they just collectors items?
  2. How do you manage to sling your weapon and draw a sidearm wearing something like that? For example do you move your primary to your off hand hip and draw your pistol or is it same side? Is up and over your shoulder an option? If so main or off hand side?
  3. How do you resist the temptation to add more coats? I think I'm largely there with a hexane type paint job but there are places that don't look great. Do I risk undoing my good work by applying another coat all over or put up with it?
  4. Although I'm a newcomer to Arnies I've been playing for 5 years; one thing I think is the downfall of a lot of forums is the lack of community based events. I realise this is difficult when your user base is national but it would be nice to see something that draws posters out of the team and site forums. I often look wistfully at the events news on the front page but have never been able to attend, some reviews and different opinions on them would be great. Otherwise, brilliant standards as always. Cheers admin guys!
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