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Status Updates posted by kaufmau

  1. Been awhile since my last game, getting back in to it, just bought a tri-shot

  2. everyone has tri-shots, no where has tri-shots in stock, I want a tri-shot, anyone know where i can get one? full stock short if possible.

  3. UK Tactical, fastest delivery ever, ordered tuesday night, here lunch time today!

    1. Wild_XIII


      They are an awesome company!

  4. Got out a played, first time in awhile, legs are hurting but it's a good ache

  5. Too long chairsofting, time to man up and get outside

  6. Ordered Space Marine from play!, apparently its being packed already..

  7. Back off to the woods again this weekend yay!

    1. FireKnife


      Have fun, i am off to the indoors for even more :P

  8. It's only taken 1.5 years but finally off to play some woodland tomorrow!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FireKnife


      And cracking innuendo at every opportunity, yep that'll be me. Just look for a guy in alpenflage and 58 webbing, you are welcome to come say hello at anytime, always looking to meet other Arnies members :P

    3. kaufmau


      Will do! i'll be in combats and a hoddie, Me and my mate both with mp5s

    4. FireKnife


      So dressed like everyone else there then by the looks of things :P Yeah you are welcome to say hello at anytime.

  9. Off to the courthouse tonight

  10. WE AK on redwolf facebook page..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Seraphim989


      I dunno about that, the GHK AKs leave a lot to be desired

    3. adadqgg


      Nothing wrong on the GHK AKM as of right now; and all the TW players praised its gas efficiency.

    4. Seraphim989


      I was referring to their AK74s. I haven't messed with their AKMs

  11. Got my night warrior out for the first time in a month and both mags are venting gas out the fil valve :(

    1. TheFull9


      Stand upside down, fill the wells with silicone oil and leave for a day or so.

  12. Sold my p90, selling my m4, going to buy a aks74u, now who makes the one?

    1. kaufmau


      i am leaning towards the ics atm, looks very nice

    2. gijohn2
    3. Gunmane
  13. bored of mw2 playin battlefield 1943 now!

    1. tinydata


      Battlefield is infinitely better than COD

    2. Teekoo


      ^agreed. But I prefer Bad Company 2

    3. kaufmau


      had bfbc, but lent it to my bro and not seen it since!

  14. does anyone know what bushes/bearings a ca sportline p90 takes? it's not got a eliptical one like the tm(v6)

    1. aznriptide859


      They take standard V2/V3's I believe.

  15. Internet and tv in 2 weeks!

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