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About TheFull9

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    Is it tea break yet?
  • Birthday 07/19/1988

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Not a Mod 0 or anything else cool, but very fun and handy. Both to put together and in game.
  2. Took quite a lot for LCs to get it on. Considering it's way wobblier than the TM one and a lot heavier, definitely 'because I could' territory.
  3. TM A5 with real stock and VFC handguard. Not as retro cool as above but not modern either.
  4. Jeez now I've gotta follow a Lebel with my normal tacticool ..
  5. Ah nice, so you can maintain a fire cadance by the rear end of the pump stroke causing your finger to fire off the Sweeper. That'll keep their heads down.
  6. Some builds I've finished in the last year or so. If I went by my usual social media schedule I'd end up not posting them for a couple of years which feels a waste so just overviews for now and I'll post more later. Krytac LVOA-S KWA LM4c TM SOCOM
  7. If you don't do a hoe next and overlay some straight gangsta bars on to the reveal video we're not friends anymore.
  8. What kind of setup you have going on there with the tubes?
  9. New TM. Eventually I'll sort some type of gucci US civvie build, for now I've got an HK F stock on the way and will probably get a real standard plastic handguard too for this original look. Wanted the SF 628 but oh lord no not for that much; may just get a GBB lighted forend.
  10. Damn.. now I want the AVS pack just to try it with my chest rig.. *fruitcage*. How's the integration?
  11. Lovely. I did some thinking recently and came to the conclusion the lower is just about the optimum AR setup for bb warz.
  12. Previous iterations of the TM from a few months back. Right now it looks more like @bladerunner168's, though in the process of fitting the MLOK I snapped the pathetically weak little bit that sticks out of the GB and interacts with the last-round stop tab on the mags, so it's currently disassembled. Poser vs Actually setup for when I've used it
  13. Posted what looks exactly like this before I think, but it had the pure M-LOK/no picatinny rail from ALG before and I think I changed the charging handle to a Radian style.
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