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About ArboristArmy

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 12/14/1986

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Trees, Climbing, Skiing, Fishing, Guns, Airsoft.
  1. I would like to say yes.....but I can't
  2. Oh right (embarrassing), I've got an ops core FAST carbon replica on the way, it looks like a similar shape. Any idea if the covers (if any) will fit? Also I'm after a flash hood (i think they're called), where did you get yours?
  3. which one? Did you use a MICH cover? If so which one, 2000, 2001 or 2002? Cheers.
  4. Just ordered the 2L version from Trojan Group to fit in my WAS low profile hydro carrier. WAS says the carrier can hold a 3L bladder but the measurements for the 3L source were quite a bit larger than that of the carrier, so we will soon see if I maid the right choice.
  5. Is there anywhere in the UK to pick up a PIG Hydro carrier? I'm also after a bladder, is there anywhere that has any camelbak or source in stock?
  6. I was just thinking that. Unless he has abnormally large hands. That surely is going to squish your head. You'll end up looking like the elephant man.
  7. It's the compact but don't get me wrong, it's comfortable without the pads but I wondered if they should have them. Cheers though I know it's not the right place but I'm going to be cheeky and slip it in anyway. I'm looking for a belt. Main purpose (like most belts) to hold up my trousers but I would also like to attach a dump pouch. Any suggestions (sorry to stray away from the topic)
  8. Can I get shoulder pads for my RICAS or would that be silly?
  9. Ok advice time. I need a hydration pack that will fit my Warrior RICAS, also suggestions for a bladder that will fit into any suggested carriers. Preferably with a tube cover. Cheers.
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