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Everything posted by HaVoC

  1. Oh go on then... Strider DB-L NSN (#093 of 100) and 'Striderised' Zippo lighter.
  2. Strider DB-L NSN (#093 of 100) and 'Striderised' Zippo lighter. Wow.
  3. I love it. So simple. Light, and no frills. Does the job, doesn't weigh you down or get in the way. Wonderful.
  4. Almost makes me want my M4 back... ...almost...
  5. The ELCAN suits that gun like no other, really. It's beautiful.
  6. Hmmm...tempting. Wouldn't fit with any loadout at all, but with a metal body, GOODBYE PLASTIC (the only gripe I have with the SIGs)
  7. Anyone want to buy me the ACU? EDIT: After coming across a big pictoral review of the DBT Predator, I think the vest pictured may indeed be one of those. The shoulder and cummerbund areas look spot-on.
  8. I'm swinging the other way. The shoulder area just looks TOTALLY WRONG for the RAV/RMV. While I can see the point about what appears to be a rear zipper, it could simply be a shadow cast by someone else on the back of the vest. The Paraclete pouches are another point, but then I have 2 Paraclete M4 singles on my CIRAS... The area where the cummerbund comes out of the rear panel also looks more CIRAS-like, although I'm not massively familiar with the RAV/RMV. The colour would have been useful to tell it apart, apart from the fact that the photo isn't great due to the lighting, an
  9. Alas yes, it's my only one... I put 'two times the CIRAS goodness' because I posted mine directly after LoneWolf posted his, IIRC.
  10. The shoulder pads looks CIRAS-like, which is what I first thought. You can see the sort of 'tunnel' that the pad fits through, then the pad itself. The back-panel does look a little odd but that black line may be caused by other things, I suppose.
  11. The release works pretty well, although extra weight from plates would undoubtedly help it to fall away.
  12. Huh? I already have the Comtacs - used them a couple of times and they're very cool (erk), but like I say, very hot on the ol' ears. They sit fine over a ballcap though so that's a possibility if it's too hot for a helmet but cool enough to have my ears covered. They won't sit under my Protec, though, which is a shame.
  13. Shoulder/arm pockets are in the RAID mods, along with lots of velcro and a Mandari collar. Once my velcro arrives from the Supply Captain, that should be sorted within a week. Protec is possible, if it's cool enough. It is bloody warm at the moment, and it's just unbearable. Glasses fog instantly, too, even with FogTech (and these are M-Frames). Comtacs I left off, again because of heat. If I do wear the cap at the show, Comtacs are a possibility. We'll see - it all depends on conditions on the day, and today it was just too warm! Admin pouch would have to go on the upper chest,
  14. Needs tweakage, but this is near enough what I'll be running at the War & Peace Show this year. Might tuck in my shirt (and it'll be RAID modded by then), and if it's cooler I might run the Protec/hood combination. Added my harness to top off the whole SEAL thing, and played around with pouch configurations a little. HSGI holster is there, too, on top of my DA rig from before. Yeah, not perfect yet by any means (about 3 weeks to go 'til the event), and a couple of bits missing. Not great pics, either - sorry, it's too bright!
  15. HSGI Holster for SIG P226 (bought off Kipper).
  16. Eek, some more playing around with PS is required! I'm still trying to fathom the leap from 5.0 to CS2
  17. Another batch, taken utilising various hints Aperature was set to f11. Photos tweaked in CS2 with the good ol' Unsharp Mask filter, which I've never really used with photos before, but it helps a HUGE amount, even set to relatively low levels. USP Compact - 1 USP Compact - 2 Mk23 - 1 Mk23 - 2 USP vs Mk23
  18. Had I known about TAD before I went to San Fran a couple of years back, I'd definately have dropped in. As is, I'll have to go back sometime (a good enough reason, surely? ). The Nightmare grinds are BEAUTIFUL (in an ugly, bad-*albatross* sort of way). I really, really want the Mick Strider Custom Nightmare Wharncliff - basically a coyote DB-L with a totally sick version of the NM grind 'Stupid' and 'tight' should just about do it Let's just say, these are collectors' items only (oh, and the odd bit of skirmish usage where woodland sites allow, as a couple of my locals do
  19. Would be true if I had one! Never got one in the end. I had a possible deal lined up from *a source* to get them for just over £100 a piece, but it never came though. Such is life
  20. Not my pictures because they won't arrive 'til next week sometime, or maybe early the week after (depends when Strider deliver them to BLG). Strider DB-L NSN & 'Striderized' Zippo The Zippos are a limited edition, but the real money shot is the DB-L. Strider are currently producing NSN-numbered DB-Ls with Coyote G10 grips and CSM sheaths to supply certain USMC units. They've just released a limited batch of exactly 100 DB-Ls, made to the same specification (same sheath and NSN number, too) for public consumption, and I've snagged one. Each is numbered individual
  21. That's good info, especially on the aperatures. I'll have a further play around and see what happens - there are so many options for tweakage on this camera, I'm swamped trying to take it all in! Cheers
  22. Thought I'd try out my new-ish (2 weeks or so) Canon EOS 350D A nice stable tripod and a remote shutter release (on a cable) are pretty key - if you're focusing on something close up, and you move the camera when you press the shutter release, it doesn't matter how good your composition is - it'll be blurry and rubbish. I recommend investing in one if your camera will take one - the Canon one ran me about £20 and is worth every penny. I took about 5 of each just to make sure at least one was clear. I consider this important - there were one or two blurry ones here and there, for wha
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