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Everything posted by Nickona

  1. My gear for my MARSOC and SEAL loadouts.. This is the closest I've gotten to completely finishing a rig for a modern unit loadout but I know its not quite there yet. Overtime I'm planning on replacing some of bits to issue or good relica items where possible and I need to get a belt mounted holster. But if there's anything anyone could suggest to improve it it would be great!! All the Pantac and Flyye is coyote brown and the rest is coyote tan For some reason the Pantac coyote brown seems to be coming up a lot lighter in the photo and the Flyye a lot darker than in real life. The
  2. Yea this is a 2003-2007 time loaodout. Cheers, I need a PTT (but i remember the correct resin copies are very expensive) and a single point sling and maybe change the top bit to a Blackhawk! Serpa holster for my Sig And yea I am going to go for the Blackhawk! hydro pouch
  3. Thanks, I've been told the Backhawk! hydro carrier wold be the best bet so I'll go for one of those in due course. I have been meaning to get all of the smaller bits like a petzl torch, correct PTT (there's a strobe for my MICH not pictured) but they all take time and money and so I focus on the more useful bits first and then move to the finishing touches As par the grenade I would keep it in a pouch but thats where all the skirmishing grenades go. The reason its there is I've seen quite a few pics of people with smokes elasticated onto kit like that and I have one lying round so why
  4. Here's my UKSF, Iraq TFB inspired RAV and MICH. Just need some better pistol mag pouches and a few more nitty bitty bits I also have no idea whats meant to go on the back as I can seem to find a photo of someones back...! So if someone can help that'd be great!
  5. Here's my UKSF, Iraq TFB inspired RAV and MICH. Just need some better pistol mag pouches and a few more nitty bitty bits I also have no idea whats meant to go on the back as I can seem to find a photo of someones back...! So if someone can help that'd be great!
  6. Cheers guys It was from "the triangle" a market in Nairobi. There's loads of really cheap touristy ones but I was lucky enough to find a stall which had a few of the actual ones. Even the guy I was staying with hadn't seen a real one for sale so easily. Chris, well that's what I did and it was fine. I don't know what would have happened if they did a random bag search but it went through all the scanners with no issues.
  7. Here's my Kenyan Maasai Knife I got from my trip there in spring. It was a genuine used, one hence the blood stains on the blade and the smell of dead animal on the blade and in the scabbard, not one of the cheap tourist copies. (I also brought back a for show Maasai/Samburu Rungu war club made out of ebony) The knife is a nice addition to my African Merc and SADF loadouts. Also very handy for cutting down foliage!
  8. Here's my ArmA II inspired chest rig: Just need a MBITR to finish it off
  9. Here's my rig for my SEAL/MARSOC loadout. Pantac MBSS with a Flyye PACA Just need to change the M4 pouches for a LMG one and wait for the MBSS back pack to arrive and then its pretty much done
  10. People must absolutely *suitcase* themselves when you come around a corner with that!
  11. I've never tried to mess with my guns. I prefer just paying the site to do it. It may cost more but at least I know its being done by someone who knows what he's doing and its their job
  12. I can find loads of DCU and M81 with RAVs but none with UCP as of yet... back to google!
  13. Ahh okay great, some pics would be good if you can dig 'em out Its nice not having to buy a new rig for every loaodut
  14. Yea that just seems far too difficult to do with the hammer, file and screwdriver I have at home
  15. On a side note... does anyone know if theres a word on a wood kit or has anyone been able to make a wood kit?
  16. Okay so I assume thats M81/DCU time before UCP came in
  17. That seems far too difficult for what you'd get.. it would also kind defeat the portability of having it stockless. Also snagging the cable would be a nightmare
  18. Thanks a lot guys Did SF use RAVs?
  19. The one thing that I find slightly annoying about the Mauri M870 is you can't have it stockless or really that cut down.
  20. Okay, I ask because I'm sure I saw someone saying rangers occasionally had them.. but hey, must have missread or something
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