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About blobface

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    United Kingdom

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  1. I'm writing from Poland. is it possible to order such a set for mad max as in this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrjlGoB13H8

    I'm interested in a set like in this movie for shotguns, but made of steel. photos of these products are attached. I am also sending photos of the shotgun I have. I am asking for a quote for these steel products + shipping cost by post to Poland. I really care about these products. I will make the transfer to my account. Please let me know if it will be possible to implement it and what time of waiting for the products.

    tube dual.png

    2_valve puscher.jpg


    mad maax_haw san.jpg

    mad max_haw san.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tomasz


      ok. I agree to the steel version of these elements. If necessary, I will prepare myself to sand these elements. What would be the cost of these items + shipping cost to Poland. When will the components be ready? I will want to make the payment by bank transfer.
    3. Tomasz


      ok. I agree to the steel version of these elements. If necessary, I will prepare myself to sand these elements. What would be the cost of these items + shipping cost to Poland. When will the components be ready? I will want to make the payment by bank transfer.


    4. blobface


      Please reply on shapeways not here lol 

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