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About crazy4beat

  • Rank
    Adv Member

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  • Airsofter since
    Since 1987
  • Country
    Korea, South
  1. I contacted with the manufacturer, and he will give me an answer soon. Or, you can just simply make one from a lathe shop.
  2. Have you ever tried with the option spring guide above also?
  3. Hi. I am currently having Star M249 with Monkey gearbox settings. It fires around 340fps with M120 Spring. I bought used one, and the owner had an option spring guide for closer spring squeeze. (It has the same effect with the second opsition spring guide) Now I got PGC gearbox for STAR M249, and I will find out whether the velocity goes higher, or lower. By the way, Staticzero, did you have tried with PGC's with your STAR M249? My Star M249 with Hurricane Shrike.
  4. I see. I believe Static Zero have tested lots of rounds and it seems to be no problem at all.
  5. I want to say, "No". Because the guide won't be stuck into the gearbox, and slightly moving back and forth or up & down inside of the gearbox. Then, the piston can be derailed and #3 gear because the guide can't be horizontal to piston's reciprocating motion. Everyone may thought the spring pushes the guide back fully to the gearbox, but when the piston is release to forward, the spring temporarily moving forward with the piston, and the guide can possibly derailed. But it's just a theory. You can see the inside of the gearbox and check them out because it's transparent!
  6. I think everyone knows normal STAR M249 Spring guide has a problem that the distance from guide to cylinder is too far. It is a main reason why 249 muzzle velocity is only around 285~290fps with the bundle spring of SP100~110. Here comes a option spring guide for Star M249 As you see the comparison shot with the normal spring guide, it's quite thick enough to press the spring just like normal Marui gearboxes. I believe the item will be sold in the U.S. soon. The price of the guide in South Korea is estimated as "43 USD". (I believe it will become much cheaper in o
  7. Thank you for your great review! I desperately waited for information about 249.
  8. I visited a friend's home, and he took some pictures of Tokyo Marui and G&G's M14. More pictures will be posted soon with detailed comparison. He painted in OD with his G&G's. Can you see the difference?
  9. A few shots with Equipment.
  10. Here are my AUG's. I tried to convert H-BAR type by myself, but outcome...is not that satisfied. I can't find H-BAR Type bipod and flash hider in Korea. Commando type... I just cut that out barrel by myself.
  11. Is that a price including PSO1 Scope? Because the maker produced the scope about a 10 days ago. (In fact, the scope in the picture was the first one actually produced. ) I saw the homepage, and I found "a lot" of typo and wrong expression...(so we called Konglish)
  12. Hi. I believe you can buy that from Japan or HK's gunshop. But it's impossible to buy the gun from Korea.
  13. This is the ATOZCARGO(Made in Korea, It's been selling from KM Planning, Japan)'s Air Cocking Type Dragunov with replica PSO1 Scope. The price in Korea is about $900 including scope. The spring fits with the Marui AEG size. Performance and durability is quite good. The inner barrel is from Option TN Barrel, and body is full-metal, and Piston is made of duralumin. If you are interested, please check ATOZCARGO's Homepage. You can see the company's new project of AEG type Dragunov below. http://www.atozcargo.com -> English homepage is also available. Any other Dragu
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