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Air soft Canon.


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I have an idea for a airsoft cannon or artilary piece.

Get a long cardbord tube, the ones they use for carpet roles would do i think then get bunge cord, attach cord accross the tube at one end. Then pull it down throgh the tube and let go. I think with enough tension this could work? As for the "projectile" i was thinking of using a small bag with flower in it, with tiny holes in so when it hits a object white powder covers the target. Obviously not a bag of flower because this would act as a solid object.



Please discus your ideas, but please remember to use metods that dont use chemical energy to propel the projectile :flamed::waggle:


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I used to watch local heros with Dr Adam Heart-Davis


He had a bungee powerd cannon thing which he demostrated rifling with.


it used a drainpipe with some wooden bits fastened on to hold the bungees in place at the end. Down the sides of the drainpipe were slits which had another stick going through the width of the tube. Attached to the internal stick was a flat platform. The bungees hook onto the stick which goes through the drainpipe over the lugs on the end of the pipe and back down to the sliding stick. This gives you a platform which is prepelled by four lengths on bungee cord which can hold a water bomb sized object. (I think he had stuff for reducing friction and was firing carboard tubes but it works without).

He had a mechanism to hold the platform from springing foward straght away (I think).


Maybe you could use water bombs filled with some dried peas.


I'll try and draw a picture to help explain

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forgot to mention


the trickly part is fixing the flat platform to the dowel wihch is going through the slits in the drainpipe. You use a MDF platfprm with some holes drilled into it to put large cable ties through. It doesn't matter of the dowel roates anyway.

I'm not sure how to mount the lugs for the bugees on the front without using a frame. If your handy at metal work you could have two thin bit of metal which run the length of the pirp to take the stress and have them bent to have something for the bungge to pass over.



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I really can't see the benifit guys. Mortars are used over long range. If you st up something like that then chances are you will be rushed by the guys who you were aiming at, thinking they were a couple of hundred metres away. I think its one of the few things from real life that doesn't work the same in airsoft.


Also there is a cannon somewhere on the web. might be for paintballs though.

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UK firearms law:


any rocket launcher, or any mortar, for

projecting a stabilised missile, other than

a launcher or mortar designed for linethrowing

or pyrotechnic purposes or as

signalling apparatus (section 5(1)(ae));


x) any rocket or ammunition not falling

within (viii) above which consists of,

or incorporates, a missile designed to

explode on or immediately before impact

and is for military use (section 5(1A)(B));


xi) any launcher or other projecting apparatus

not falling within (vi) above and which is

designed to be, or has been, incorporated

in any launcher or other projecting

apparatus not falling within (vi) above

which is designed to be used with any

rocket or ammunition falling within (x)

above or with ammunition which would

fall within that paragraph but for its being

ammunition falling within (viii) above

(section 5(1A)©);


I dont think these things are legal.



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Oh goody, another mortar thread has usurped my own. I hope yours doesn't get overrun with numpties wanting to load the thing with home-made pyros like mine was, mate...:(


Edit: Nice legislation mate. However, if it was to project the balloon full of water / peas as discussed initially before my thread got hijacked, it would not be a stabilised weapon (Eg with tail fins). It would also not be designed for military use but recreational (there's a big difference between producing a mortar with the intention of intent to cause harm and a mortar that projects non-pyrotechnic, non-stabilised balloons. As far as I can interprete that legislation at this time in the morning as a result, my initial premise of a spring powered water bomb launcher would be legal. Unless there's more I haven't seen? :|

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I have no doubt that it's legal. But i can't see a usefull application of it. Good luck any way guys.


Same thing could be said about MK5s, surely? I've seen mk5s land right next people and those same individuals not take their hits as they didn't feel it was close enough. But we spend stupid amounts on them anyway (well, Ghost does!), because of the sheer fun of using them.


The same thing applies to this. I doubt many of the self proclaimed 'pros' that you always unfortunately get at some sites (usually a minority of pot-bellied middle-aged weekend warriors overcompensating for something) would admit to taking a hit from such a mortar, but it'll be fun to use all the same. :)


Anyway, I think I'm going to use the spring projected balloon idea for my payload. Just need to work out what sort of exit velocity it needs to be fired high up into the air enough to work, and see if that remains within the current legal legislation. :)

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I'd advise against an air powered system, or any other system that relies on a pressure gradient, as that falls into the category of a firearm. As for what to launch, I recommend a tube sealed at one end and filled with BBs. When the tube is launched upwards, the open end faces upwards, so the BBs are retained, but once it begins its descent, the open end faces downwards, so the BBs fall out and (hopefully) cover the target area, creating an kill zone similar to a blast at ground level, but with no explosives required. At least, that's how it should work in theory. I haven't yet had a chance to test such a system, nor shall I for a while yet (too many other projects).

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I'd advise against an air powered system, or any other system that relies on a pressure gradient, as that falls into the category of a firearm. As for what to launch, I recommend a tube sealed at one end and filled with BBs. When the tube is launched upwards, the open end faces upwards, so the BBs are retained, but once it begins its descent, the open end faces downwards, so the BBs fall out and (hopefully) cover the target area, creating an kill zone similar to a blast at ground level, but with no explosives required. At least, that's how it should work in theory. I haven't yet had a chance to test such a system, nor shall I for a while yet (too many other projects).



if you fire an onpen ended tube (or any tube unless you spin it) it will tumble in the air. For airsof purposes it might be best to just shoot a tennis ball sized thing and state a blast radius, evenone in that radius is killed when it lands

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You would make the nose-cone out of foam, with a metal plate at the back [i didn't put this into the design], use weak ish springs and make it out of cardboard. Looking for a maximum weight of 1/2Kg, possible amending the design with tail fins [improved ballistics]




I hope you don't mind me saving that picture on my hard drive ,white , its a really good idea! I've been thinking about trying to make some form of mortar for laughs and I love your design for the shell! :D

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I dont mind at all mate, i dont exactly intend to go into buisness with these things!


As for my mortar design, i've got a rough one done, but it's not up to standard yet. To give you a rough idea - heavy object high up attached to a lighter object low down, when heavy object falls, it forces light object upwards. I'd need to prototype it to get the power/weight ratio right, but it should be a very controlable [and therefore safe] way of launching the shell!





I forgot how to spell it but I'm guessing your referring to a treb^%*%&

Used in times gone past to throw dead animals over the wall on castles etc during a siege as a early form of biological warfare as well as the normal rocks etc. Also well known project of scrapheap challenge :D. Range it has, accuracy isn't something it has though


It's possible to get a good range firing film pots using a vacuum cleaner with the right tubes stuck on the end. With a feeding mechanism and the right weight pots going through you can get a good range and accurate. Not great for airsoft unless your mounting it on a quad.


If you mixed the two ideas you get a controlled weapon that is reliable. Use the design I stated early on in this thread but instead of having bungee cords you run a line from the platform over some pullies rather then lugs and then let a heavy weight pull the platform along.

I still think bungees would be better due to the weight benifits but springs could be used (since springs obey hooks law but bungees don't you'd get a better control over the power)

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The word you are looking for is trebuchet (tre-boo-shay). In days of yore a veritable WMD.


Any body thought of just hoofing it up with wadding and letting gravity do the rest?



Thankyou, my spellign is not a patch on my madness and desire to build weord contraptions for shooting things across a garden

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Thankyou, my spellign is not a patch on my madness and desire to build weord contraptions for shooting things across a garden


Hehe, I made myself a Treb about a year ago, now its sitting in the backyard, collecting rust on its metal parts. It has a 80lbs counter weight, and can launch a good size potatoe a good 200'

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