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About XenoBait

  • Rank
    95% reconstituted newbie
  • Birthday 10/07/1978

Additional Information

  • Toy collection
    Lots of shiny stuff
  • Most likely to say
    I'm running late
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. hi are you from eastbourne im new to airsoft currently serving and jus trying to find people from eastbourne who go airsoft

  2. At a fairly educated guess I'd say yes then, as my HFC 17 mags fit my TM 26 just fine thanks for checking. Damn! that was the main reason I wanted to change from the HFC one, as it's far too tight. Glock slide, sigma-esque frame, but yes, amazingly nice to fire. And mine currently has the internals out of my glock 26 inside it, making it even nicer
  3. As a side note, are the mags compatible with other marui/hfc glocks - specifically the G26 and HFC G17...
  4. XenoBait


    XenoCam FTW!!!
  5. The red save uk airsoft link on the left just directs me to the forum index. The link looks like it should direct to an article, but doesn't seem to. Could just be me. Tried on firefox and win98 (i know).
  6. When you do a search, most of the time you get way too many results if you aren't very specific. I've got used to it now, but that doesn't mean everybody has so.... How about, when you have more than a page of results, a message that pops up saying "too many results? Try searching titles only" and have the titles only link to the same search but, cunningly, just on thread titles. Would help people who don't mess with the search settings on thier own.
  7. Yup, what he said. Would be nice if it was ticked by default though. A couple PMs I wish I'd kept a copy of I clicked 'send' too fast
  8. Great idea, I've answered the question a few times my self, and linked to those answers a fair few more. A sticky can't hurt (unless it be a pointed sticky)
  9. mmm, dessert. Logo looks pretty smart though. Nice and clean.
  10. It's a nice idea, but you yourself picked up on someone posting bitmaps rather than jpegs - thats an instant kB boost. Unless it were limited it too text input, in which case it would still be open to abuse as people start wearing out ctrl+v. For humour's sake I would like to see an excalmation mark index. Better scores arising from a higher character to '!' ratio. That would be worth seeing. As someone fairly new i liked the rep system. When you looked at the rep records it provided an indication of the type of thing they were earned for. there are some people out there that have
  11. to airsoftalex, but you can have one for those vids if you remind me when the reps come back, or better yet, send me jaffa cakes.
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