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ics m4 shooting right a lot


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i'm testing it at like freakin 20 feet and its still not straight! wtf!

i have a ca m4 and the front sight moves side to side . take your hand and twist it like your giveing someone indan burn . you want it str8t up . tie a small white string to your back sight and run it to the front see if its off . mine shot to the side and is still loose nothing i can do but im sure this is your prob .

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Jordan - Are you firing outside? (wind affecting shots)


yup not much wind tho.


Using lightweight bbs?


.2 bb's

Is your foresight wonky due to the way the outer barrel is screwed in?[/QUOT]


i don't think there's anything wrong with my front sights.



Inner barrel the wrong way round in the hop up unit?


huh? maybe thats it. what does that mean tho. help? :(

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Ok, so it's an ICS M4? You are gonna need to strip it down, take out the upper mechbox, and see how the barrel is in. The hopup bucking should be on the bottom of the barrel, not the top. If you need any help stripping your gun, ask Hissing Sid, as I don't want to give you bad advice on accident.

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The hopup bucking should be on the bottom of the barrel, not the top.

Uhm, no it should be at the top.


The hop bucking is a little tiny ruber wedge, also know as the " *fruitcage* ###### I droped it" it pushes the bit of the rubber sleeve with the lump into a hole in the top of the barrel .

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Have you tried swearing at it or hitting it? If so then i'm all out of ideas....


The inner barrel has a cut in it where the hop up rubber enters the barrel, giving the spin. If you take your barrel out (after the upper gearbox etc..) and remove the hop up bucking, unit and rubber you should see which side the cut is. If its moved to the left a bit from the norm it wil make your shots go right i imagine.


Sids the man to ask, but he's not around for a bit.

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I guess it could be your hop rubber. But here's what sometimes happens with mine. When installing the barrel, you can get your barrel on just SLIGHTLY crooked. So, remove the front part of the barrel (instructions are in the manual. It's the same way that you adjust the length of the barrel.) Now, your inner barrel is exposed. Fire it, and if it's curving, like the hop up isn't on strait, simply rotate the barrel until it is strait.



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A: Most shots hooking to the left or right

This could be a number of things, so i'll break it down. If every single shot is hooking it is either

1. The hopup rubber or "bucking nub" is deformed, or tilted slightly to the left or right, giving the bb "sideways" hop

2. The barrel could be slightly tweaked, causing the bb to roll along one side of it, again giving sideways hop

3. If the barrel is supported via a setscrew, it could be deforming the barrel slightly

4. the hopup rubber could be ripped


If you notice, most aegs will hook to the left, and most players are right handed and sling the gun at the ends, hint hint.


B: "some" shots hook to the left or right (at least 25%)

Harder to locate, but doable

1. If shots vary in power, skip this section

2. Make sure the hopup is "secure" if it has any amount of left/right wobble, put some tape on the part that secures it so it does not wobble.

3. Make sure the hopup rubber is not ripped or deformed

4. Make sure the barrel still has its securing clip on there

5. If its less than 25%, its probably the ammo, or the fact its an aeg and has a limit on accuracy

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