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a idea on cheating


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hey guys I was reading about the cheating thread and I just had a thought. Usually when I fence the opponent and I wear special clothes/armor that has a detecting thing when your hit and it is activated by a electric source(I think the inside is a circuit or something and when someone touches you it completes the circuit and a device lights up) . Is there anyway that this can be done in airsoft? without the use of metal bb's? its just a thought.

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In fencing you have a big empty space, with nothing except the swords to set off the lights, in the woods you'd be setting them off on branches , every time you brought the gun up to shoulder too quickly etc, and if you turned the sensitivity of the system down you'd only light up on hits that you'd have felt anyway and the floaty hits that most folk "cheat" by not feeling or hearing would still go unnoticed. So yes it would be possible, just not practical.

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Since you brought fencing up, I might as well put down the facts.

There are two methods of confirming a touche in fencing (through electronic means) and those are through the use of a push button as used in epee, and by closing a circuit with the foil and sabre. The push button would work, except you'd want to put them on the receiving end, so what you will have is a push vest (don't know what else to call it). Obvious problem would be twigs and branches tripping off the system unwantedly or having bbs hit you without the necessary force for a confirmed kill. On the epee, there is a ground wire so that hitting the piste (long metal stretch to fight on) will register as a non-hit, similarly, the oponents weapon has a ground too. So basically, you have to rig this ground wire to everything that doesn't count as a hit, which in airsoft terms would be everything else. Quite impossible to do.

Using the foil or sabre method means that you will have to wear a full body conductive suit. But even then, you still can't bridge the circuit as the enemy bb isn't exactly connected with a fine copper wire to close it right? Even if you find a way to make the full body suit a standalone system that does not require the closing of the circuit from the shooting end, you will have problems with conduction as a wired suit will tend to rust/tarnish. Even this happens in fencing.


The only legitimate system I could think of and is in use would be that high powered laser/IR doohickey used in the show Combat Missions. Its basically like laser tag only much better. Of course theres the traditional way which is to deploy a bunch of marshals in the field.

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I believe a company did suggest/market such a device. I think due to bad communications the company got 'flamed' on at least one forum due to the poster not being honest about his connection to the company.


If I remember correctly it was Bioval the biodegradable bb suppliers, but don't quote me on this.



Perhaps the chap running Iron Foot Industries could help?

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I believe a company did suggest/market such a device. I think due to bad communications the company got 'flamed' on at least one forum due to the poster not being honest about his connection to the company.


If I remember correctly it was Bioval the biodegradable bb suppliers, but don't quote me on this.

Perhaps the chap running Iron Foot Industries could help?

yeah, i remember that, but their result wasnt very practical, iirc the gun was somehow attached to the vest aswell..

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It's a nice idea, but in my opinion it's not needed.

There is cheating in Airsoft, yes, but I personally believe it's not that much of a problem (from what I've seen, heard and read)

Who'd pay for them? Would the sites have them? Would we have them? Would it be torso only? full body? (I can hear the geardos whining already :P

It's a lot of hassle and expense for a relatively tiny problem.

Cheating is managed pretty well, at most sites, (again, from what I've seen, heard and read)

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