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metal 416 agm and rosv


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Ok, rant warning.....sorry in advance.....



This kind of thing really gets to me, companies jumping on the band wagon and doing a ###### job! Take a look at that rubbish from AGM, ohhh its a metal HK416....its metal, and thats all it has going for it!


The markings on the body are a joke, I mean they couldn't even paint the fire select markings correctly!?!? I won't even go into the lame trades they've blazed onto the body.....


Some weapons expert correct me if I'm wrong. The HK416 was designed to be an improvement over the stock standard M4, as such, its not a million miles diofferent from a standard M4. Yes there are differences, but if you look around at all the variant M4 front end kits, variant pistol grips, upper recievers and stocks etc...the "differences" the 416 display dissappear into obscurity.....


What I'm trying to say is, without realistic trades, the "HK"416 just looks like another standard variant M4.....and all this posturing by companys who claim to have produced a specific item with the complete lack of conviction as this lump of AGM rubbish do nothing to back up that claim.


VFC, SRC, and Hurricane can sleep easy tonight...cause theres no competition (ok JG, but its plastic :P)


Rant over.

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How can you know that it doesn't have trades, when no photos of the metal version exist? According the the source of the JG metal-news, they havent even started the production of the metal versions yet.


I don't see why they should remove them from the reciver, just because they go full metal. If they have something now thats correct, then i'll bet it'll stay that way in the next (metal) version.


It's not many posts back in the news section.

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I don't see why they should remove them from the reciver, just because they go full metal. If they have something now thats correct, then i'll bet it'll stay that way in the next (metal) version.

I dont think ACM manufacturers care that much about correctness. :)

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well, yes, actually first we need to know the real motivation behind the JG 416s trades.

for test purposes, to see how far the arms of copyright reach, to show the public that they can produce correct(er) replicas? I dont know.


anywayz, I believe that trades on the plastic bodied version doesnt automatically mean trades on the metal version.

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