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New Hakkotsu Grenade at Airsoft Global


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some additional info, http://hakkotsu.com/html/content_product.htm


looks pretty slick, actually. From what I can discern, it uses a Co2 cartridge (there goes the cost of making a pressure vessel), but destroys the outer shell when going off to make the sound... kinda like the old AG-01 grenades (still got a box of those somewhere.... freakin' unpredictable loud things).



interesting find.... if they sell bags of replacement outer shells could be a contender. All depends on how fast it adds up to the $100 price range of the other grenades out there.











...and.... extra bodies: http://airsoftglobal.com/product_info.php?products_id=8029





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it equals the escort though.


you think, based on how much of the shell explodes, you can stick some bbs in there and treat it as a grenade?



kinda doubt it, honestly. I still have a case of the old AG-01 "baking soda" grenades.... same concept of a grenade-shaped burst disk shell in these. BB's left a small pile on the grass at the site of detonation. No dispersal at all, or that mattered. Probably be better off putting some powder in for effect and play grenade rules.


Oh, and yeah, I ordered one and a bag of bodies.... :rolleyes: couldn't help myself.

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130db seems a bit much, airsoft scotland/world are getting some in at some point but i can't see them being too popular over here where we already have very good reusable grenades, unless they work out at 30p or less per use ;)

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It DOSENT sound nice! That's insane! I alredy have tinnitus and have problems with shooting an AEG, and i'm not the guy who uses earplugs because i need to hear everything around me (its called tactics) and i don't want to pay 2kSEK for a pair of Peltor Comtacs.

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On topic: I would actually use these, in CQB, but i would prefer something which just used C02 capsules for re-usablity. The ones i reallllly want are the 9banger training grenades the police use: pin, spoon, real size and weight, blank firing.... mmm lovely!



Nearest you are going to get is the NEW Botec Grenade - see Airsoft Warehouse Website - I've used one.... extensively in trials. Get one and try it...... 120Db @ 5m - A multibang is in the pipeline

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ok here are the problems I see


1. Jumping up and hitting someone in the face, easy

2. It says the pressure builds up and the outer shell explodes. Wouldn't that produce shrapenal?

3. What if you're crouched down and this is thrown right next to you or something and goes off. Not only could it hit you but it could deafen you. I would be very unhapy if that happened to be.

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