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Arnie-geddon 2009 Help needed


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Dear all arnies members.


Were trying to get arnie-geddon 2009 up and running again.


imput and feedback is kindly welcomed.





Please post comments and ideas regarding this,


also anyone interested in atttending so we can get an idea on numbers.




Chownsy and M35reo.

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top man, were looking at sometime in either late july or anytime in august at the mo. obviously nothing is set yet, we are just trying to get this going again so the more the merrier, as there realy isnt any point going to far with it unless we get interest.


cheers. j

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well i have to admit i dont realy know as i never got to go to one :) but the basic format is looking to be a fun first type of weekend, so not milsim just short skirmish style games, so if people want to sit it out and chew the fat then they can. the emphasis is as much on socialising as anything else. im open to suggestions on stuff you want to see (within reason) lol


cheers. j

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This is the kind of format Arniegeddon (and other Arnies based events) have taken:


A bunch of airsofters who only really know each other by their forum names all arrive at a site on a Friday afternoon/evening and set up camp, crack a few beers, maybe have a bit of a barbeque and get to know each other - mocking other Arnies members and talking about tuna/redbull/AIDS etc. Next morning they all get up (some a little worse for wear) and skirmish a bit, taking every opportunity to lol, rofl and generally lark about (but safely, of course). After a while they troop back to camp and get some food, then maybe (if they're lucky) get a spot of night skirmishing in. Then it's a few more beers and some food while socialising some more, then up early on Sunday for a spot more skirmishing 'til it's time to head back to camp, pack up and go home. Then the race to upload pictures begins, and a small group of airsofters know each other a little better and have new catchphrases and knicknames to use in the chatroom for a few years and hopefully nobody's left their guns in a taxi or anything.


So, hopefully that hasn't put you off J!

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I'll come, that is provisional though based on whether it is on a do-able weekend.


I can help where possible too.


Thanks mate, the help will be appreciated alot :D



What format is the event, for the uninitiated? Cheers.


as per james, i aint attended one either but as there are other forum pages and previous attenders here i guess we will soon find out and hopefully make 2009 a memory that is good like the previous ones.



well i have to admit i dont realy know as i never got to go to one :) but the basic format is looking to be a fun first type of weekend, so not milsim just short skirmish style games, so if people want to sit it out and chew the fat then they can. the emphasis is as much on socialising as anything else. im open to suggestions on stuff you want to see (within reason) lol


cheers. j



This is the kind of format Arniegeddon (and other Arnies based events) have taken:


A bunch of airsofters who only really know each other by their forum names all arrive at a site on a Friday afternoon/evening and set up camp, crack a few beers, maybe have a bit of a barbeque and get to know each other - mocking other Arnies members and talking about tuna/redbull/AIDS etc. Next morning they all get up (some a little worse for wear) and skirmish a bit, taking every opportunity to lol, rofl and generally lark about (but safely, of course). After a while they troop back to camp and get some food, then maybe (if they're lucky) get a spot of night skirmishing in. Then it's a few more beers and some food while socialising some more, then up early on Sunday for a spot more skirmishing 'til it's time to head back to camp, pack up and go home. Then the race to upload pictures begins, and a small group of airsofters know each other a little better and have new catchphrases and knicknames to use in the chatroom for a few years and hopefully nobody's left their guns in a taxi or anything.


So, hopefully that hasn't put you off J!



thank you for the insight, sounds a right good laugh, maybe i can break my 95% T-total state and have a couple of drinks over the weekend. :D


or maybe stay sober so i can at least help if in emergency lol :D (way of getting out of everything hehe)

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I'd be up for this, with four-eight guys, depending on which weekend it is (due to Reserve Forces commitments). I'd steer away from the August Bank Holiday, as that will clash with the Fireball International (assuming it's on this year).


Don't know how much I could do to help out with organising, but I'll volunteer anyway. Give me a shout if you need some help with something, and I'll let you know if I can help in any way.

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I'd be up for this, with four-eight guys, depending on which weekend it is (due to Reserve Forces commitments). I'd steer away from the August Bank Holiday, as that will clash with the Fireball International (assuming it's on this year).


Don't know how much I could do to help out with organising, but I'll volunteer anyway. Give me a shout if you need some help with something, and I'll let you know if I can help in any way.



thanks, put your name down on the thread saying whose intersted in the AG sub folder

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Roger, have posted in that thread also.


Oh, and I have just aquired my Minibus license, as paid for by HM Armed Forces, if that's any help with organising things....



will keep it noted as maybe pick ups/shop runs would be good (as long as your not drunk lol)

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Actually, good point Hed'. I have a minibus licence too (C+E as well if you have a prop artic lorry cutting around) and I don't drink so if you have a minibus then I'm your man.


Not much use I imagine but I am also an experienced plant operator, if you were to hire a digger I could knock up a network of trenches in no time.


On a more useful front I could also bring a Norge which is basically a 19 litre thermos.

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Actually, good point Hed'. I have a minibus licence too (C+E as well if you have a prop artic lorry cutting around) and I don't drink so if you have a minibus then I'm your man.


Not much use I imagine but I am also an experienced plant operator, if you were to hire a digger I could knock up a network of trenches in no time.


On a more useful front I could also bring a Norge which is basically a 19 litre thermos.


they have a digger on site all the time anyway :D

also if your coming can you put your name in the interested thread in the AG09 section (just so i can work an average head count on a daily basis) also im making a list of people with useful skills/licences

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weve got plenty of trenches etc, but thanks for the offer matey.



anyway date is looking to be the 14th/16th august and around £55 for weekend. being held at ott adventures on anglesea north wales.


cheers. j

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