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New July 7th articles at AirsoftDigest.com Magazine


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New July 7th articles at AirsoftDigest.com Magazine


ASGI G4-A5 AEG Replica Review



Tune set 1 - Dis-assembly, mapping, de-greasing & de-stressing

The Tuning series, 24 twice monthly articles on budget tunes to get the most from your aeg.



Review - Tactical Balls By Brite Strike



Airsoft AEG Replica Prep & Care - The Basics





Rob admfavi.gifADM


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By the look of them I think they are rolled into a room/hall/bunker/etc to light it up. No the best idea though cause I would really suck if it stopped rolling pointed down. :lol:



they will be weighted on one side to stop that happening

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Then they would point at the ceiling.

Plus the second you roll one in any enemies in the room will know someone is outside about to come in; it does nothing to stun/impair/make it hard for the enemy at all. Old school breaching is so much more fun anyway. :P

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Guess they’d be quite effective in Airsoft where at least 80% of the players have no “live fire” experience or training.


Ball rolls in and starts strobing

Players in room: “Ohhh..look at the pretty lights”

Players entering room: DAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKA!

Players in room: “Hit!” “Hit” “Hit” etc


Crunch comes when you hit that 20% of players who aren’t distracted by such things as they’ve had real grenades thrown at them! Lol


I like them, hardcore CQB specific kit though. Think I'll stick with my Thermobaric's...Flash AND a Bang, thank you.

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I've had people throw glow-sticks into rooms in an attempt to use them as a distraction device. These balls work much better.


(And there are those among us whose field rules prohibit pyros... which I'm guessing are what your "Thermobarics" are... ;) )


And these are reusable.

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