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Chinese Full Metal Hi-Cap Xtreme


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I guess the Marui design is impossible to modify to make it select fire, at least now we have a gun that is accurate and (hopefully) lock the slide back after the last round.




You could buy a TM 4.3 and a Extreme slide. You'd get something basically like that clone there, but expensive, and slightly better.


I think it's perfectly possible to make a high-capa select fire. I mean, WA made select fire prokillers and Gigants. The hammer system in the TM is fairly simple, the select fire idea is definitely possible. It's just difficult to make it look nice externally. Possibly something similar to the WA idea with the right hand thumb safety replaced by a fire selector. But making that yourself would be very difficult. Still, if anyone's going to do it, it's going to be a nameless Chinese clone company ey?

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If it didn't have the extreme slide I would bite. But who know's what is to come. :D

Well this is a steaming pile of FAIL.

Well, DarkLite said the same thing about the ACM clone of "normal" Hi-Capa... Is there only one company who could do it properly, and why is it in the "other" China?

Actually our gun smith (Real steel) did some work on a "cheap chinese" Norinco 2011 (To our specification) and fitted it with a full auto switch so I'm wondering weather the same idea COULD be done with this?

Holy f... Is that even LEGAL?!

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theres a few ways you can do it, either a switch (can use a modified slide stop which is probably how TM did it and it doesnt lock back, another slide stop at the back and/or a thumb selector mounted ONTO the slide) that trips the sear to being open thus allowing the hammer to keep falling with only one pull of the trigger. I also know that this can happen to 1911's (like my wifes Springfield did.) if you cock/rack without ammo and/or dry fire them to many times the sear becomes weak and thus doesnt lock into place very often and you tend to get a half cocking problem... such as it wil ONLY half cock! and then when It fires if you are lucky only one round'l go off other wise your whole magazine gets empties into the target and all the way up the dirt behind it!




a less harmful (to the gun) way which lessens the stress on the sear. It was this way how we did it, even for a test project. Over 200,000 Rnds through it and not one failure due to that, I think the closest we've got is down to the barrel needing a change from over use and wear lol.


and It is legal due to us being a registered private security company, although the ATF dont like it (when im in the US)


I can get pictures posted although they may get removed due to them being PLANS for the RS, I think I MIGHT just get banned if I did ¬_¬" So thats a no no,

and to R.ocelot No this was a RS gun not an airsoft but a basic idea can be had either way and thank to the people who believed me rather than those guys who without pics it instantly becomes "BS"

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You're so full of *suitcase* it's leaking out of your ears.


and It is legal due to us being a registered private security company, although the ATF dont like it (when im in the US)


NOT HOW IT WORKS. AT ALL. Also, got pictures of this 'Norinco 2011?' Never even heard of one.


Post pictures, risk the ban, or shut up. This is the only Predator Security in the US, is this you?




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