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About AnotherJesus

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  • Airsofter since
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    United Kingdom

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  1. So you're recommending a low ISO, and a fast shutter speed. This'll produce very dark pictures. So I think it's just quickly worth pointing out, a tripod will allow you to increase the exposure time, without such a risk of blurring. Once you have a tripod, you can drop the ISO right down, and tweak the shutter speed to the levels of light you want in the picture. May sound obvious I guess, but if you're giving a guide to people who've not done it before, I thought it might be worth mentioning. Very good guide by the way.
  2. Why would you make 2 kits, one for TM and one for KSC, when the TM one would fit both? Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty confident it doesn't.
  3. Well it's one of the best looking M14s I've ever seen. So I guess there's something to thank crappy laws for...
  4. That's the sort of attention to detail we love. Thank you.
  5. I'm assuming that's a paint job Trasher? Famases (famai?) have never looked better.
  6. Basically a standard V3 piston, but with a cutaway at the top to allow for the quick detach mechanism. I'm fairly confident you could fit a normal V3 piston to this, with slight modifications. Although I've not tried. The RS pistons are cheap enough anyway. Very good material as well. Maybe not the best if you're doing some crazy FPS or ROF, but I'm happy with them for normal use. Edit: Just visually checked it against a normal piston. It seems to be longer on the front, like it's already been shimmed for angle of engagement (although it hasn't). Nothing I'm sure you couldn't replicate wit
  7. Kinda want to own one with a solid stock. These Hungarian stocks are gash. Cheek weld? Who needs that?!
  8. More AMD-65. I also hate the vert grip.
  9. Well it does look very nice. Quite a good paint-job you got there.
  10. That is just fantastic. How many, and which bolts do you have?
  11. Can I see the other side please?
  12. Well, when I got this gun I ordered 2 spare mags at the same time. I've now given up using the 3 RS mags, as they have horrible feeding issues. Mostly caused by the double stacking of the mags, and the BB's seem to want to sit side by side, and grind slowly up the tube, or not move at all, as opposed to being staggered and feeding well like they should. Got my hands on a TM mag earlier today anyway, and wondered if the internals could be swapped over for the nice finish on the RS mags, and the reliable feeding of the TM 68rd single stack lowcaps. They can . Nothing exactly keeps the TM mags i
  13. Who wants a full auto gas pistol? Cooldown hurts, especially in British winters. If you want to use it as a primary, I'd advise single shot all the time, and placed rounds as opposed to lots of shots. Besides, gas consumption and buying enough mags to last a day when you're using full auto is going to be a major drain on your pocket. Then again, I don't think I've used the fully automatic option on any gun for a good 4 years now.
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