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Full Auto Glock Mod?

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It is one of the pins at the rear of the frame, near the internal hammer. Take off the slide. There are two things that "stick up" at the back of the frame, one on each side. I forgot whether its the right or the left one though. Anyways, you grind one down and bam... automatic glock.

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Just to point out that filing down the trigger interrupptor will NOT make it full auto, you will be left with a gun that fires one shot then vents all the gas. I know what I'm talking about because I have had G18c, G26c, G19 x 5 so I think I kinda should know! I have tried it and it will not work.


What will work is if you take the internals from a G18c and put them in the G17 slide, it will be full auto only, but will work.



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yeah i'll second that. i tried it with a spare kwa g19 lower frame i had knocking about and it did not work.


All that happened is it fired one shot and then the hammer fell with insufficient force to open the valve.


It may work with upgraded hammer and recoil springs but it certainly does NOT work stock.

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I had a spare trigger bar so I filed it. It worked somewhat, but was very erratic and would vent from time to time. So don't file the disconnector.


In addition to the G18C slide internals, you need to switch the hammer and mainspring, and add the full auto sear in place inside the firing mechanism.



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