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About Morbidus

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  1. Thanks, I'll do that. Now when I see I'm not the only one, it apears that G&P didn't bother with quality checks Next time I'll wait for version 2 of whatever they make
  2. My device stopped working fine after just one shooting session IR laser defocused, it seems that the lens broke for some reason(definitely not rough handling). I have NO idea how to fix that since G&P won't send me the replacement part. Also, my remote switch stopped working pretty soon, I'll try the Element one from PEQ16 this week, and if that doesn't work, I'll make one from old ACM lamp pressure switch I have lying around. All in all: not a bad product, but I'm not sure how good it would fare in normal field use
  3. Just tested my out... Laser is powerfull, but iluminator is superb! You can focus it to iluminate more than 100m away, or defocus it enough for room clearing(kinda'). It is pretty heavy but seems sturdy enough for everyday use. QD knob takes some force to clamp down on rail(KA MRF), so don't be afraid to use some muscle(alltho I don't see how it's "Quick" detach...) As user7 mentioned, remote switch is "constant on" type, so I'll exchange it for a standard pressure switch ASAP. Adjustment dials on both sides rattle alittle, but they seem sturdy enough not to fall off. Gre
  4. just ordered my un custom USPc with SD slide hope it does beter than my last USP(the screw under the barrel got loose and locked the slide in position...)
  5. Oh man, I wish they would make a M4a1 airsoft version \sarcasm but seriously, a VSS would be nice, as would FN 57 Steyr IWS (this is more in the "I would never buy it, but I would like to see it" area )
  6. maby they are trying to simulate third world country warfare rofl
  7. what is SD? (dumb n44b question, but you lost me there ) I tryed to push a mag in without cutting the peace, and it can't go in(you CAN push hard and it will fall in place, but the slide won't move) I also tryed to leave the stock recoil spring in with metal slide, and it is just too weak to move it
  8. no lone wolf, I have the G&G slide, and it comes with a pretty strong recoil spring... I had to cut out a peace of mag(I even got written instructions how)for it to fit...
  9. heeeey, you stole my gun LoneWolf I have a stronger spring, and it kicks like a mule... next stop: high flow valve I had to assemble my gun myself, and it was a real pain in the *albartroth* the magazine scratching part really p***ed me off!(you have to mill of a part of your magazine if you want to put a metal slide...why you ask? so do I! )
  10. my friends and my KSC g19(with metal slides) IMHO best gun I used
  11. Morbidus

    lr 300 pics

    yes, I write too darn fast, so I don't see all the errors I make But I think everyone understood what I mean...
  12. Morbidus

    lr 300 pics

    hmm, so these won't fit?? they can be used in a gr300, so I assumed that they can allso be used in lr300
  13. Morbidus

    lr 300 pics

    so I must get one of those nunchak types thanks m8, +1 for you
  14. Morbidus

    lr 300 pics

    *goes of to bug Redwolf people* I saw that there is a custom batery for lr300, does that mean that it CAN'T take "nunchak" type 9,6V 2200V? (gr300 can take it...)
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