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About MinAmmo

  • Rank
    Adv Member

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  1. So here is the finished Gun:
  2. New Project : Glock No. 2
  3. Umarex VFC MP7 absolute beauty and runs great can't recommend it enough.
  4. MinAmmo

    $1K club.

    PTW CQB with Madbull goodies. Added a KAC triple Tap Flash hider since pic was taken
  5. Yes Real Steel grips I carried a side arm for 12 years (SA Police) without front serations, and yes they look good but my other 1911 has them and I wanted something different.
  6. My Brand New King Arms SR-16 E3
  7. TM Glock 17 Custom with Shooters Design Slide and outer Barrel
  8. My TM MEU after the Mike Cripps Treatment
  9. Mike Built my Springfield TRP I was so impressed I have sent my MEU and my Glock 17 to him for upgrades.
  10. Custom TM Night Warrior Almost Stock TM MEU
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