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Evil Knevil

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Everything posted by Evil Knevil

  1. Hey selling my CO2 M870 for anyone thats interested check the for sale forums.
  2. Hey does anyone who owns the Co2 power adpaters for their M870's know how to adjust the power? I just added mine and is still a bit lacking.
  3. How would i do that? THought of it but couldn't find anywhere to actually do it on the gun? EDIT: never mind done it, thanks. Also how do i take the outer barrel ?
  4. it's different to the tanaka one though isn't it, but u say it works with them?
  5. Hey has anyone got a spare fill adapter for a tanaka revolver, as just bought one second hand and wasn't included? Thanks
  6. Hey would u like the front set back as it doesnt fit my M870?
  7. ah good its the stock and outer barrel that i need.
  8. anyone Know if the CA870 parts work on the Maruzen M870?
  9. Hey has anyone got a spare CA870 spare sawn off handle/grip for sale from their customs as in dire need of one and would relly appreciate it if someone has on they could sell to me? EDIT (and possibly the shorter original Ca870 barrel, Thanks) Thanks so much.
  10. Sorry wood just saw ur other post Q's answered.
  11. Hey WOOD could you possibly show me where you've attached the CO2 rig on your M870 as planning to do the same with mine, and hows it perfoming for you on CO2?? Cheers
  12. here's my new baby. stock except for replaced gas hose and mag extender soon to have Co2 rig tho.
  13. great that's helped alot cheers.
  14. erm i need help fixing my M870 and thoort this'd be the place...almost. right i took apart my M870 and put most of it back until i figured out that one spring was in the wrng place. Its the one with a block on the end that goes just under the trigger..i think?? any help would be greatly appreciated cheers.
  15. hmmmm i think some one may have some copyright issues wink wink. wehey my M870 is on th eway piccies up soon!!!
  16. are the M37 supposed to be copies of M870 cos they look very similar??
  17. sandman please tell us something about your M870. Any Mods? performance with full shells etc. cheers
  18. thanks anyway SgtBojangles.
  19. Shining Finger is that 32C full auto??
  20. that looks like a sweet place to play! anyone know of any like it in or near the south-east of england?
  21. Blimey guvna You're a very generous person if you're giving that to a friend for his birthday! or jus stupidly rich?
  22. is that handgaurd on the bottom of the M15 a C33 one? cheers
  23. YOU HAVE A ROCKET LAUNCHER HOLY **** THATS COOL. (necessary capitols) damn u to helll! (not really i'm jus seriously jelous)
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