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About Cryptkeeper

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 02/15/1985

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  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    ICS CS4 R.I.S. EBB / Tokyo Marui MP7A1 Gas Blowback / Tokyo Marui Desert Warrior 4.3
  • Most likely to say
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Terceira Island
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Movies, Metal and Videogames!

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  1. It's for the pressure switch.
  2. If you re talking about the yellow grip and front, it's a law requirement in my country. The hose well... Happens to be there. Cheers
  3. Cryptkeeper

    CryptKeeper's Album

    Bunch of photos of an airsoft player from the Azores!
  4. It has decent prices, but sometimes due to the fact that it takes to long to get here, i decide getting my gear from other sources.
  5. Here's me ( left ) and a teammate trying out our new team camo, the italian vegetato.
  6. Despite of only been playing for about 5 years i kinda know what is that! Its hard to get actual ingame photos when people are more concerned in playing.
  7. Photo taken moments after arriving to an Advanced Outpost.
  8. You have there some nice pics lightemup99! Last weekend on a team training game.
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