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Everything posted by binarypunisher

  1. Dude, their faces are smudged. How can you tell how old they are? Much less what are you basing that info off of...one picture of a retired E-9? Please. Beyond that, any "elite" unit (with the exception of 75th RGR) you are going to find "older" guys in. Thats just how it works. Maturity and experience.. More pics: http://n8qpsq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p9hP...83yHtDlljGuPQgo http://n8qpsq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p93G...0E97GC6qvZYwExE On the internet there is actually a big procurement list of items for AWG...the stuff those guys are wearing is straight out of that. Merrel S
  2. The guys in the ACUs and 416s are AWG.
  3. Is that an Echo1? or Wells?
  4. Yeah, AFAIK black isnt really a color that appears naturally in nature.
  5. He painted his MK14...heres a somewhat crappy one (he has better):
  6. Might be just my eyes, but I see some black in there too.
  7. Team logo for my team (Battlesim). No real group photo unfortunately. http://www.battlesim.com
  8. STABO only allows one man per rope IIRC. SPIE is basically the modern equivalent. I snagged a SPIE rig off eBay for $25 recently, and it allows you to have multiple people connected to a rope. STABO has two points of contact (both shoulders) SPIE has one (strap coming from back). STABO also allows a belt to be weaved through it, meaning you dont have to wear a whole seperate harness for your web gear.
  9. Agreed, nice pics Guiness. The airsoft guns I have are AKs and M14s - they make a great combination! The nob on the AK reciever looks like it is for a folding stock, who makes the AK? TMs dont have that.
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