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Everything posted by farrasdevell

  1. That gun requires a battery that struggles to trun it over a little so it makes that nice 'chug chug chug' sound and you can fire it from one hand at the hip
  2. Baka i love you man. do you have any idea how many times i have been asked that question. Robot you sure?
  3. go woth the star g63 cary handle with the x3scope and rail on top soent you are fairly well set for anything either a nice reflex or if you upgrade to the nuts then a bigger sniping scope but with a lower profile than the standard mas carry handle.
  4. some sweet looking kit going on there. OH why must all my clients be so slow with cheques. Must buy more gear!
  5. the mod for the famas to take m16 mags if fairly straight foreward. I tried to mod a MAG midcap but it didn't work due to the feed lip not being tall enough and the mag is ever so slightly too small for a secure fit. Will keep plugging away at it. Poor mag is looking a bit mangled but try and try again. Hells, i have a dpm paintjob on mine. have axed the CH but took off the iron sights too so i could still have the rail on there. there were pics somewhere on the forund i think in the painted weapons thread.
  6. love the look hate the price tag. Cool pics tho.
  7. from the looks of it that is real steel.
  8. i might do, will have a look through the bits box. had to cut some bits but might have the bulk of the original sights still.
  9. is cool am looking to pick up an f1 bipod set for mine for the same look. and multi blocking the rail so i can put scope and rd on it.
  10. having allready done one famass am thinking about getting another mebey an f1 and go for sniper version or mebey cross cqb/lsw what do you think?
  11. it's just a section of old rubber floor mat. I'm a bit of a bugger for slamming my guns about and it saves a lot of dentage. stops a lot of sun glare, keeps the rain off. Geneeraly a good cheap solution to a number of problems.
  12. yes it is rhino. Still needs a lot of work tho. The lighting in the picture is all wrong tho makes it all look too bright. The rail needs a block under it as it is a fraction too low for aiming with mask and lid on but it is still a lower profile than the carry handle. A painfull desicion cutting that off it was. but it look ok for it. also need to mod the laser targeter (tucked under rail) so it can be adjusted (4 grub screws) And find some way of mounting scope for longer range target id and sniping. Joy is me and my gnu . Yes it is supposed to be dpm fairly close methinks. without
  13. This is my baby finnished the paintjob today, what thinest thou?
  14. when i'm not so run off ma feet at work a paintjob for my famas will be in order and posted in it's glory.
  15. farrasdevell

    Hakkotsu M40A3

    sniper rifle
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