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Game Types for Small groups


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I play with a group of about 10 friends varying on size depending on the day. There are about 4 of us with automatics(me), one sniper, 2 with multi shot shot guns, and the rest have varying forms of not so good spring guns(pistols, rifles, and shotguns).


We keep having trouble finding a good game where each person can shoot. most of the time it ends with me running in and killing everyone on the opposing team. is there any games yall could suggest that would be a challange for me and that everyone would have a chance to particpate. My brother play with us for the first time last weekend and got bored because he was the target to take out and they where all to chicken to come after him cause of me. He is coming with us this weekend and i need him to enjoy it. Thank you for any help.


and if you live near cypress tx by cy woods or cy fair and want ppl to play with message me thanks

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Erm, there's one we play in backyard skirmishes we call "Stealth" - a small (very) team tries to complete an objective against a large guard force, all the guards know is a list of potential targets, the small team chooses which. Another is "Assasination" - where one (again small) team tries to take out a certain target person, on the other team.

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"Tried all-vs-all"?


You line everyone up, then first guy goes in. Give him 30 - 60 sec to get away, then launch next guy. Repeat until everyone is in game. And um. Everyone can shoot anyone.


Another would be "Manhunt", one guy tries to slip off to somewhere, hunterforce tries to find him. If you have a big area to play in, you could go advanced, and bring in maps with grids. Set a nice interval for the escapee to send text messages back to the hunterforce where he is. This makes it easy to track him, so people dont wander off, but also hard, since he could be anywhere within a grid.

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Same as hunter force, but one person is the VIP, and the solo soldier must eliminate the VIP without being seen/tagged by the protecting force..


Or the VIP gets one guy protecting them (i note you seem to be the one who wins all the games? maybe you protecting someone that feels left out/has a crappola weapon) and the rival team must take him out. Better still if you can get access to a car, and use that as extraction.. :P


One of my best games involved a two man protection team protecting a VIP, with 6 guys trying to take him out - we had to get to a mates car, and drive it out of a field to win. Game was won by a guy hiding in the boot, popping off them parcel shelf, and bang killing the cars occupants.. :D

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Long long ago there was quite similar topic:




and one little recipe from russia:

try to play "1 vs ALL" or "2 vs ALL" game

playable in most types of grounds, but its better to have something like forest terrain...

if ground is very big and has no clear borders, set time limit for game.


enjoy :)


P.S. it's better to use ammo limit and semiauto mode for guys with automatics!

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Have you thought about rotating who carrys what guns? I imagine if I was constantly up against AEGs with only a crappy spring pistol I'd get bored pretty quickly.

You just get used to (better at) taking cover, picking your shots and aiming.


The pleasures of being non-UKARA and too cheap to rent.





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Usually when it's not a game day and my friends and I want to go shooting, we usually try and just think of any kind of totally ridiculous setup to keep things interesting. The only thing I can think of right now was a hostage capture game, where one person had to go in and escort the target to a designated area. Then there was also one where every time you got hit, you just switched teams (Hats were team one, no hats was team two) until one team was eliminated.

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Usually when it's not a game day and my friends and I want to go shooting, we usually try and just think of any kind of totally ridiculous setup to keep things interesting. The only thing I can think of right now was a hostage capture game, where one person had to go in and escort the target to a designated area. Then there was also one where every time you got hit, you just switched teams (Hats were team one, no hats was team two) until one team was eliminated.



we did that with one of my friends we made him a suicide bomber. and if the bomb gets hit him and everyaround him is out. he was sucessful because of me. im so ashamed.

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You just get used to (better at) taking cover, picking your shots and aiming.


The pleasures of being non-UKARA and too cheap to rent.


For over a year I was running around against AEGs with a spring pistol. I still remember one game where I took out the entire enemy team single handedly with my trusty springer. It really teaches you to use fieldcraft rather than just run around and shoot. If you stand up in the open and just try to shoot people, you get lit up. Plus, you simply lack the range to do any damage unless you get pretty close. It was hard, and definitely can get boring and frustrating sometimes.

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  • 1 month later...

we played a good one with a mix like that by having two guys with aegs run off and hide somewhere in the forest and the rest (2 aegs and an assortment of pistols and pringers) go hunt them.

the 2 guys had 5 mins to find a spot and had to survive for 15mins after. was a good game, but I think if we did it again we should make the 2 guys 1 aeg and perhaps one bolt action rifle.

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Everyone on everyone. When you are hit hold your hands up for 5 seconds before you can move again. You also have 10 seconds worth of invincibility just after you start moving so you can get into some cover.

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One of the things we do when we can only get 5-6 people together is to divide into two teams each player gets a red and a blue arm band. You start of with the color your team is designated. When hit that person switches the armband colors counts to thirty and is back in the game on the other team. The game ends when all players are on the same team.


It works very well for our group with only a few players.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I usually play with 3-10 people in a forest game, but when me and my friends get bored and there are 4 or 5 people left, we play fast-paced springer battles!

We all use a single-shot spring gun and run around my yard, which has loads of cover, in night or day and try and get kills. If you get hit, you get thirty seconds to run somewhere else and reload. You can use the trees on the fringe of the wood but can't go in.


Very fun. Lots of hiding in shrubbery and sprinting. Low powered spring guns make everything more interesting!



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