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Insane Vang Custom Airsoft


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I'm a little confused, are you saying that it's easier to aim with black sights than with white dotted/outlined sights in the dark?


No, but the way they aim is the way target pistol shooters aim "front sight blur." They don't even really look at the rear sites. When the white is there, it takes slightly more time in differentiating between the red of the front sight and the white of the rear sights. I use an MP7 as my sidearm, so I wouldn't know personally. As far as my explaination goes, I don't know if this actually works or not. This is just the preference of my teammates/co-workers. The point is that the sights were flipped intentionally, whether it actually helps or not is up to the user...


All the firefox errors were corrected, submit any more you can find!


And Noober, if the only custom work that was on the page was gold plated work or that equivalent, there wouldn't be much content due to the lack of cost effectiveness of such a customization.

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you will never match wits with these guys on her protien they have been playing alot long then you my friend .


and for eveyone to knoe protien and vang work together.


I am not trying to match wits, one-up, or get over on anyone. I am explaining something that was commented on.


Btw, if they haven't been able to tell via inference, I have been alluding to the fact that we work together pretty abundantly.

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I don't understand why everyone is bashing Insane Vang's site for claiming the guns to be 'custom'... I mean, goto UNCo, look at the Product Catalog menu, and you will find: 'Custom Guns'.


If you click it, you'll find that UNCo is offering guns fitted with aftermarket parts and upgrades, perhaps a paintjob here and there.


So they're not really 'custom' either? Someone here mentioned a 'custom' gun must include some in-house machining? Jesus titty*fruitcage*ing Christ. Few people could afford to buy in-house custom machined airsoft guns anyway!


In my world, successfully fitting an aftermarket metal kit can be considered full fledged custom work. Ain't necessarily child's play, that. Same goes for internal upgrades.


I could understand if someone had actually bought one of the guns, and it turned out to be junk, THEN complain. But if Insane Vang's guns are well made and perform great, then what's the problem?

No need to sh!t a brick folks.

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Most of the work done on the guns required machining and other various methods of customization. Be them merely aftermarket parts, painting, or construction from scratch.


er, well, I dont /see/ any parts that arent just aftermarket, or very slightly modified aftermarket (ready, drillpress/filing to make it fit, not actual modifications).. but i'm comparing them to various stuff ive seen ledpocket make, like a sterling AEG, from scratch, or some crazy, crazy flashhiders, or This and such.


for the "custom" people, your never going to win that arguement, the best the real "custom" people can do is to come up with a new word and hope it doesnt get taglined by idiots ;-)

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these are airsoft gun that needs to be sold at a reasonable price, appealing to different players w/ XXX.XX amount of dollars their willing to spend. Who would want to invest such a ridiculous amount of money into an airsoft gun that would probably do the shop no good sitting on the self collecting dust.

Would you spend $2000.00 on a custom airsoft gun? I wouldn’t unless it’s capable of bring home dinner.

My point is that theirs different types of custom work, that appeals to a different market.

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these are airsoft gun that needs to be sold at a reasonable price, appealing to different players w/ XXX.XX amount of dollars their willing to spend. Who would want to invest such a ridiculous amount of money into an airsoft gun that would probably do the shop no good sitting on the self collecting dust.

Would you spend $2000.00 on a custom airsoft gun? I wouldn’t unless it’s capable of bring home dinner.


Thats one of my issues


I have the time, plans, and ability to make some rather badass custom guns (OICW W/ repeating non-shell ejecting launcher, working blowback sagia 12 w/ 30+rnd per triggerpull blasts, ect.) but i'd basically be staking my livelyhood on the question if someone would drop ~$900+ on one of them. :/

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er, well, I dont /see/ any parts that arent just aftermarket, or very slightly modified aftermarket (ready, drillpress/filing to make it fit, not actual modifications)


He didn't say he made them, did he? Aftermarket parts can require modifications so that you can install them. And if they do it properly, you can't see it from outside. In Varusteleka's forums (popular hardcore finnish forum) plenty of the modifications that are discussed have needed modification to make them fit to the gun. It's not so easy to just buy a part and slap it on.

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I think we need to look critically at the terms involved. The only way to argue this reasonably is to get everyone on the same set of definitions.


First, custom is a widely used term in airsoft. For most people, it is simply an antonym for stock. We can also all agree that few guns remain stock for long. Since the bulk of airsoft guns are custom, we must break that category so as to more closely identify our subject.


I suggest we break up customization (i.e. creation of non-stock guns) into three categories. Category one would be low custom, which would identify guns which have had off-the-shelf components added. A Systema gearbox and a RIS would take your gun from stock to low custom.


The next category being high custom. For this, one needs to have locally fabricated parts or at least parts modified by mechanical or chemical means. For example, Titleist's custom race gun would be high custom since it has a special chemical treatment, on top of numerous special parts. The defining factor is that there is no way you could tootle on down to your friendly local shop and walk away with the parts to build such a piece.


The final category being fabricated. A fabbed piece is made up in the majority of non airsoft parts. It can be machined, hewed, etched, etc, but the work of the craftsman should be apparent. Airsoft parts may be present, but only to fill in lesser spots within the piece.


Using these definitions, we can say that Mr. Vang does do custom work, albeit, low custom. What do you think?

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I dunno about other people but I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER buy a gun without knowing its internal specs.

My favorite tagline for used guns is "systema everything." When i see that I always ask if it has a systema antireversal latch. They say, "whats that?"

I then procde to learn its just got "metal reinforced gears"

omgoorz!!!!!111 metal gears! :unsure:


Have him list his specs. I might throw him some business if he puts together a cool combo but I'm sure as hell not putting up with, "has an array of various M4 variant parts and brands."


The only people I would ever let not tell me the internal specs would be people like Blake, Echigoya, Zero ops, and Impact Industries. They are acual tuners.


People like TDS and this Vang can do some machining and internal work but they are sure as hell not tuners.

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as for the sight, if you want to acquire your target faster them you can do various things, but flipping it is just right out.  It not only loses the rear sight, but it gives your target, especially in low light, a bright white mark to see very easily.


another thing with real shooters and airsofters. . .real shooters learn to shoot both eyes open. . none of this squinting. . .


your dominant eye will automatically focus on your target . .and your dominant eye is already lined up with your barrel.. .sites are barely even used especially if you know your gun.


shooting both eyes open is obviously more useful for low light and tactical shooting


for instance. . .the MP5 front sight/ghost ring allows you to easily leave both eyes open and not rely on the rear drum sight. . pretty much as long as you see your target through the ghost ring . .it's a hit. .that's how it was designed. .for fast acquisition without relying heavily on aiming.


As for Vang's custom work. . I give him props for making any airsoft gun unique. . but give more props to those who make it from scratch. . who really push the custom envelope (not many there)


It's so easy to buy off the shelf parts and retrofit them on. . .not much work involved overall. . but it's a start.

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I dunno about other people but I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER buy a gun without knowing its internal specs.

My favorite tagline for used guns is "systema everything." When i see that I always ask if it has a systema antireversal latch. They say, "whats that?"

I then procde to learn its just got "metal reinforced gears"

omgoorz!!!!!111 metal gears! :unsure:


Have him list his specs. I might throw him some business if he puts together a cool combo but I'm sure as hell not putting up with, "has an array of various M4 variant parts and brands."


The only people I would ever let not tell me the internal specs would be people like Blake, Echigoya, Zero ops, and Impact Industries. They are acual tuners.


People like TDS and this Vang can do some machining and internal work but they are sure as hell not tuners.


The reason no stats were listed on many of the guns here is because they are already sold. The gun you mentioned that says "Various M4 parts" is because it's Vang's gun. I didn't feel it necessary to advertise what parts are on or in it if it isn't even for sale. Not to mention, that gun is a mut. I mean it is so many different parts I doubt he or I could name all of them. In short, parts listed for that gun in particular was irrelevant. If it was a gun put together specifically targeted to be sold off the website, you can bet the individual upgrades and specific parts will be advertised in detail.

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All custom Insane Vang AEGs are built with stock internals unless otherwise requested by the buyer. We can use any aftermarket upgrade internal parts be them: Guarder, Prometheus, Hurricane, Systema.. or other. We leave the guns stock to maintain their inherent reliablibility in that form. The customization is more oriented toward cosmetic look, not necessarily toward higher fps or rof.

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People like TDS and this Vang can do some machining and internal work but they are sure as hell not tuners.


er... you might want to recheck that one, my guns all shoot beyond what most normal airsofters think is possible, grouping wise, or ROF wise if its my tec9.. heh ;)

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