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Magpul PTS Hi-Cap anyone?


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Interesting. Though, I'd be more interested in buying translucent PMAG Midcaps. Magpul did a limited quantity of those but there were concerns about being strong enough to endure everything the regular PMAGs can take. Obviously, for airsoft that'd be a non-issue, and after testing come translucent L5 mags by King Arms, translucent PMAG MidCaps would be pure win in my book!

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I don't see PMAG hi-caps as a bad thing. If I still used hi-caps, I'd buy these for sure. Just that my team, myself and all OPs we attend only allow midcaps for riflemen. But there's definitely a place for hi-caps in the market.


One of our team had a PMAG jam at GZ




Guess the marketing was just that!

Interesting. I've personally got over 30 PMAGs Midcaps, there are probably another 50 used through out the rest of my team, and I know of many other people using them too. Maybe the one you encountered that had a jam on your team was a lemon, maybe there was dirt in the mag, or maybe the ammo was cheap, but that's the first I've ever heard of something happening like that with a PMAG Midcap. Out of the 80+ PMAG midcaps used within our team we've never encountered any problems. We see them as the absolute best midcaps available on the market ... and we've bought a lot of cr@p over the years trying to find something of these quality.

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Even the best products fail sometime.

Exactly. But it sounded like Basho was implying that PMAGs are all over hyped and purely successful thanks to marketing. I simply think that, once in a blue moon a lemon will slip through pretty much any production run for any product ... or they could simply fail for some other reason. But the Midcap PMAGs have an outstandingly decent success rate compared to many other airsoft products on the market today. Unless of course Basho was being sarcastic, to which he has my apologies.

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7 mid-caps and a hi-cap maybe? mid-caps for standard use and a hi-cap for when things go to *suitcase*

That's the way I usually go, probably less than 7 mid-caps for myself but I still like to know I've got that one last fall back measure.


I'm not generally a hi-cap fan and I hardly ever use them really, but end of the day that are many many people that do and a good portion of them probably like PMAGs, it's just a logical step really. End of the day more choice is never a bad thing.

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What wouldn't have issues from time to time, no matter the price paid.


As for the mags, I'm personally all for them. There will always be the situation, that you just need to light that no-hit calling *bramston pickle* up, and you just don't want to bother having to reload all 10 of your magazines, only to do it more to the same *bramston pickle*. Get the hicap, and stay tacticool all the same. :D




On a side note, Those 30 rounders do fail, had one fail on me a few weeks back, and has grabbed my attention, in my attempt to bastardize the hell out of it. Gut the internal structure completely, and slam a hicap internal! :lol:



To the Purists of airsoft: Bite me. Its airsoft :lol:

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Pshhhh, I kinda like it when my mag jams.......... But I only use mag mid caps ( Keep in mind I go through about 10 mags a month ) I hardly ever do a tactical mag reload. Its easier to just put my PN on the mag and hope it comes to me at the end of the day if I cant find it on the floor that is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
These are nice for hispeed guns that still want the Pmag look, these feed at ROF 30. Been told its JG hicap thats inside the Pmag.

They're actual King Arms internals. It's possible that KA outsourced to JG, but I don't believe they did. I asked Magpul PTS about these specifically as well.

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