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DE Uzi ?


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Came across this a while back on the AW wholesale website, and a post over on the Z1 site jogged my memory. Anyone heard of the Double Eagle Uzi ? I know Cyberspunk was bringing out a clone but this seems to have slipped under the radar. Here`s the link, look at the bottom of the page. :huh:

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they had that before the October parties, been some time now, i guess releasing coming closer as they do more normal work now. If i remember correct plastic body and AEG, i should have picture somewhere of it, i think i have posted it before in here. Yeah the other one is what i posted before, they wrote Metal bodies to both, tomorrow i double check with the factory what they are :) those where released before October already nothing really new, just didnt pop out due to the closings.

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Far as i know from a Chinese supplier, they became available but were complete pieces of *suitcase* so they weren't resold on. That was about 2 months ago though, havent heard anything since. :)

most likely reason is because those factories closed that time for like 2 months + why it disappeared ;)


DE M11 is most probably a piece of low-budget junk, but that Uzi... Hmm, I remember seeing a Well fullsize Uzi (R3 if my memory serves me right) a loooong time ago, and then it was gone, nobody saw it any more.


yeah they still sell that though i think :P not too many good AEG Uzis around here. Wells GAS Uzi is pretty good though what i have heard. *Edit i'm waiting for some info on those 2 models, should get it by tonight here.

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Nah it was a while before the clampdowns, it was supposed to be in a shipment of other Chinese gear but it didnt arrive.,


just talked with the factory, they went to lay low since September and that is the reason why its been put on hold, and they should return to make it after Chinese new year, it didn't disappear because it sucked :D , even something would suck in here people wouldnt cancel it outright, im sure they would try to sell it to get their investment back. The sales rep is checking with the Engineer now what clone they are, after they tell me i let you know. *edit they are Full metal bodies all right.

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just talked with the factory, they went to lay low since September and that is the reason why its been put on hold, and they should return to make it after Chinese new year, it didn't disappear because it sucked :D , even something would suck in here people wouldnt cancel it outright, im sure they would try to sell it to get their investment back. The sales rep is checking with the Engineer now what clone they are, after they tell me i let you know. *edit they are Full metal bodies all right.


A full size metal UZI is a must have for me!! I just hope that it is something like a TM but with way more power/range suitable of woodland play. I will get this in a heart beat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, that's most likely, but one could never be too sure. The previous GB was made out of plastic and Marushins model did'nt use a GB at all.. The actual reciever functioned as a GBshell. IF DE is about to clone a previous made model that is.



Appreciated. I'll be waiting.


still waiting for info, i talked with them and the M11A1 is M807 model (factory code) is metal body, the other one (Uzi) is M803 and that one have Plastic body and Metal body versions, for what copies they are and other info, im waiting for answer as they did not have that on hand now (sales reps dont know) later when they inform me i let you know.

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got bit more info, They are Japanese origins (where they have been cloned) but they refused to tell exactly which one , M807 (M11A1) is a clone of MAC10 but other one they did not know (Engineers would not tell) strange bunch of people haha, maybe they think i ask too many questions i want to copy it too :D

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