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Airsoft Official Sport recognition in Chile


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I don't know if this goes here or in the Airsoft News section.



I think this news is going to be interesting and useful for players around the world.

Here in Chile all airsoft players are very happy because, since yesterday, the Airsoft is legally recognized as Sport by Chiledeportes (something like a Sports Ministry).


We know there are many countries trying to reach the same goal. We hope this can be helpful in that direction. At least now you can say that there is a country where is officially recognized by the authorities as a sport.





The following link takes you to the thread in the AirsoftChile forums were the Chiledeportes resolution is posted.






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That is awesome news and I hope more countrys will follow your lead, especially mine (Sweden) where it is still sort of hush hush and considered a "weirdo/freak" sport (at least that is how I percieve the situation here).


I will read thru the thread, and see if there is any information that I can apply for our situation.


EDIT: Actually I won't be doing that since it requires registration and is in a language I can't understand :D


Maybe you can tell us a bit more of how you went about getting airsoft recognized as a sport and how it was percieved in general in Chile before.

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Sorry, I forgot the page registration.


It was a year and a half of paperwork and meetings with sports authorities.


Of course there is too much prejudice. They thought that this could be some kind of militia training :blink:.


We had to define field dimensions, game modes, number of players, etc.


Finally, last December after a long wait, we did a demonstration for a representative of the director of the National Institute of Sports. After a month we got a positive response.


I'm going to translate the document (try at least).


in the meantime, this is the document in spanish.


chiledeportes1.th.jpg chiledeportes2.th.jpg chiledeportes3.th.jpg

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The document was translated to english by Hector Sanchez from Airsoftsniper.co






Seal of The Government of Chile

National Institute of Sports


"Recognizes the physical activity known as "Airsoft" as sports speciality or modality


Exempt Resolution No. 245




a) The Decree No. 100 from 2005, from the Ministry of General Secretariat of the Presidency, that set the Revised text, coordinated and systematized of the Political Constitution of the Republic


b ) The D.F.L. No. 1/19,563 from November 17th, 2001, that set the revised text, coordinated and systematized of Law No. 18,575, Organic Constitutional of General Basis of the Administration of the State


c) The Sports Law No. 19,712


d) Law No. 19,880 acts and administrative procedures


e) The Supreme Decree No. 60, from 2010, from the Ministry of the General Secretariat of the Government


f) The Resolution No. 1,600 from 2008, from the General Comptrollership of the Republic


g) The request from Mr. Miguel Hahn, President of the Sports Club Airsoft Chile, from November 11th, 2009


h) The memorandum No. 66, from 2010 from the Department of Competitive Sports


i) The memorandum No. 575, from 2010, from the Chief of the Division of Sports and Physical Activity




1.- That the Sports Law No. 19,712 grants to the State, the duty of creating the necessary conditions for the practice, promotion, protection and development of the physical and sports activities, establishing to that matter, a national sports policy oriented to the achievement of such objectives, to these purposes the the State will promote the above activities through the provision of services that promote sports and the allocation of budgetary resources, distributed based on regional and equity criteria, of direct benefit and social impact.


2.- That article No. 3 of aforementioned law, requires that this national sports policy, will contemplate coordinated actions of the Administration of the State and intermediate groups in society destined to promote, facilitate, support and encourage such physical and sports activities in the inhabitants of the national territory and the next article adds that the aforementioned policy will consider in its plans and programs, the modalities of Sports that established therein;


3.- That, in order to achieve these goals, specific functions are granted to the National Institute of Sports of Chile, contemplated in article 12 of the aforementioned normative body, in which are contemplated the one in letter p), which provides that within the functions of the Institute, is found "To Recognize for their own programs, and for all other legal purposes trough the established resolution, a physical activity as speciality of sports modality".


4.- That, the article no. 1 of the Sports Law, states that a sport is meant by, to the effects of such normative body: "…the practice of the forms of sports or recreational activity that utilize the competition or show as their fundamental way of social expression, and that is organized under regulated conditions, looking for the highest standards of performance";


5.- That the promoters of the physical activity known as AIRSOFT, have defined it, as stated in the background that inform the request per note on letter g) of the items of the seen above:


a) As a sport that is played between teams 10 people, which are equipped with replicas/markers that shoot plastic BBs of 6 mm, with which one team is looking to keep the other team away, this with the purpose of facilitating the progress and positioning of the team on the field, if one of the BBs impacts one of the m members of the opposite team, he/she must abandon the game.


b ) The place or "field" where Airsoft is practiced is an outdoor space that at least measures 150 meters wide by 450 meters long. Each team has an area to defend called "the base", in which there's the Flag of the team.


c) The goal of the game is to touch the flag of the opposite team with the hands, action which is known as "capture", and if this is reached, the mission is terminated, and the team that reaches the goal is assigned 2 points. In order to make the capture, there's a defined time, that varies between 20 and 45 minutes, depending of the characteristics of the mission and of the field. Each game has 5 missions, and the team that wins is the one that captures more flags from the adversary. "


6.- That, through memorandum No. 575/2010, the Division of Physical and Sports has informed that AIRSOFT meets all the required characteristics, as it is organized under regulated established conditions, promoting mainly the team work, honesty and trust, in addition to encouraging mass participation and integration, noting that it currently has 6 clubs formed under the umbrella of IND, and 5 under the umbrella of Municipalities, with presence in 6 regions in the country.


7.- That, as a consequence of what it is exposed here, and given the records attached to the request noted in letter g) above, that are an integral part of this resolution, the physical activity known as AIRSOFT, meets all the sufficient characteristics to be considered as a sports speciality or modality, under the terms of the sports definition contained in the first article of the law No. 19,712.




1.- It is hereby recognized, for the owned programs of the National Institute of Sports of Chile, and for all the other legal effects, as it is stated in letter p) of Article 12 of Sports Law No. 19,712, the physical activity called AIRSOFT, as speciality or sports modality;


2.- It will CORRESPOND to the Division of Physical Activity and Sports Activity, to communicate to the different sports units of the service, the content of this Resolution.


3.- PUBLISH this resolution in the banner "Acts that affect third parties", on the website of "Transparent Government", of the official web page of the National Institute of Sports of Chile www.ind.cl








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Well done! I saw it on Brazilian Airsoft forum, but i have a little question (or two):


How is the structure of airsoft in Chile? I saw two different things, a common-day skirmish (which was international event - UNITAS 2011, in the region of Atacama Desert) and a team deathmatch like a speedball event or a FPS game. Maybe i'm very, very wrong about the competition-esque thing, but, regulating the airsoft as a sport gave me those freaky things back...


How'll affect the skirmishes now?


See ya! []'s

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How is the structure of airsoft in Chile? I saw two different things, a common-day skirmish (which was international event - UNITAS 2011, in the region of Atacama Desert) and a team deathmatch like a speedball event or a FPS game. Maybe i'm very, very wrong about the competition-esque thing, but, regulating the airsoft as a sport gave me those freaky things back...


How'll affect the skirmishes now?


The airsoft definitions and specifications in this resolution are just referential. We don't really have any competitive structure, specific events/games only.


From now on we must think about that structure.


Sport recognition was only the beginning, but there is a lot of work to do.



Can't seem to find the fps limits in all those articles. Can anyone say? But still awesome news!


The most accepted rules in terms of FPS


Woodland: 400 FPS


Snipers: 550 FPS


Only semi auto is allowed in CQB fileds.

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