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About SwatMP5man

  • Rank
    Spudgun User
  • Birthday 08/12/1991

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    May 2005
  • Most likely to say
    What a load of utter dogs *badger*s!
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Airsofting, motorbiking and sleep!
  1. Just managed to pick one of these up from Air-lab, they had them in stock for a few hours Monday and Tuesday, arrived today, great service, shall be fitted over the weekend into a high speed G&P set up.
  2. The PX Airsoft one IS NOT the same as the OP's one. The one PX stock is different, the mounting hardware is different in appearance, the torch lens is also difference (plain glass compared to have the centre part frosted). Biggest downside is no strobe
  3. Nice set-up blarock! Just a quick one, was the Go Pro on the widest field of view setting? It seems theres a bit more fisheye effect than when I used mine on a medium field of view at 1080p. CK, I have the same TMC AirFrame and also mount the GoPro2 off the NVG mount, when the straps are adjusted properly it is a bit front heavy but doesn't slide forward. I only have a V-lite and callsign patch on the back of my lid as well.
  4. Problem with SWAT is that all the staff have other day jobs, at the airsoft/paintball/retail side of the business is run in the spare time. Hence it's not their main source of income, so less time is devoted to the business than there should be. In regards to the communication with the owner, in my experience it's always been a case of "My way or the highway" with him.
  5. *fruitcage* you G&P and your magical barrel nut binding abilities!! There was me thinking an RIS change would be quick!

  6. Some of me from Op Wildcat, at Catterick this weekend.
  7. home from Op Wildcat, brilliant time, brilliant team now to edit photos and video!

  8. Op: Wildcat here we come :)

  9. shocked and astounded that my order from ebairsoft arrived just 7 days after ordering!

    1. Scuffer


      I've beaten that! 4 days from ordering to doorstep!

      Never once had an issue with them.

    2. Mike_West


      EBAirsoft. 70% of the time, they work every time. The remaining 30%... they tend to screw up.

  10. Second coat and removal, think i'll leave it like this now.
  11. My loadout for the next year, no ,ajor plans for change apart from possibly a MASSIF ACS in MC and some OPS UDA pants in MC.
  12. I'm waiting for someone to quote the last pick with the tag line "They're behind you!!!" added!
  13. It's not just that easy, the silicon rubber is actually sealed fully around the battery to make it completely waterproof. It is possible to change the battery by making a small cut into the rubber and popping the battery out though.
  14. I've not had any issues my ACR since getting it in 2010, however I got around to chrono'ing it over the last few days and with 0.2g bb's its been smashing them out at 410 fps!! The only changes I have made have been a new motor and thats it. Comparing it to my M4 which did 340fps on an M100 I swapped springs around between the guns and found the M100 from the M4 was pushing 420fps in the ACR and the spring from the ACR was pusshing 328fps in the M4. Strange! Now to cut down the springs to 370fps in the ACR and a bigger spring for the M4!
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