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About GuzziHero

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 05/27/1976

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. You has status now! but also negative one. D:

  2. The original is 1400x875. PM me your email addy and I'll lob it over
  3. You have no status D:

  4. I always do. But as they say, I dont got time ta bleed! At least I didnt have to squeeze one out of my tongue this time!
  5. Partially up but not fully for me so far. Thanks for getting onto this as fast as you have, and thanks for the great forums mate
  6. That mask is awesomesauce! Me (centre) before gaming started at SWAT Urban today.
  7. Yeah, problem is with Cobridge, it needed expanding. If we could have had assurity that it would be there for a while, we could have made a CQB village etc which would have been cool. But no long term guarantee = not worth doing any work, and not doing any work = no long term guarantee. Apart from the fact that Kezz was ripping everybody off including the building owner.
  8. One I missed from the short-lived Unreal Cobridge site. Could have been a half-decent site if the owner wasnt such a ****
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