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Everything posted by thomasw

  1. Thats how they roll in Finland. Just kidding, cool SF loadout. What kinda weapon ya got to go with it?
  2. I bet you could find one on Ebay, Doc. Probably an Issue one too. Mine is issue, and has all the IR tabs and fancy junk. Not sure what the velcro flap in the back is for though.
  3. Very nice picture, nicely posed.
  4. Nice helmet, same as mine. . Real Kevlar is truly tacticool. A regular Army style mount would look better though, thats how mine will be once I finally get the mount from my friend I got the helmet from. Already have the PVS-7/14 flip up piece.
  5. Stores yell that the loudest when you just get your paycheck too...
  6. An all ACU loadout does look professional, expensive, and Army style. If you have an ACU loadout with tan gear it looks elite, tacticool, special forces.
  7. Yea I want an Eagle PC, and when I get a set of ACU's I'll rock it SEALs style, with my tan MICH. I don't want to invest in all MultiCam gear, tan is way more universal.
  8. That'd be the plate carrier. It is the main plate carrier. The others are plate carriers too, but don't rock the actual name. I wonder how good an ACU Eagle PC w/ c/b would look with an ACU loadout.
  9. I think it is justs the crazy military term for all the gear. Look like an Eagle plate carrier over some P.a.c.a. body armor.
  10. And I believe his gear is Ranger green. ;-)
  11. Posted by scoob in the Navy SEALs picture thread. The video the pictures are from.
  12. 2nd pic looks like SEALs, by their helmets, armor, and vests...but not by their weapons. Probably some special forces we are not supposed to know about. --edit- Whoa! No way! Thats e-paper, Jay. The geardo and tech inside of me claims "MUST HAAVE"
  13. I'm finally getting the mount for my NVG flip up piece at the next game. My friend I bought my helmet from finally found a mount.
  14. Looking very good. I like the NO PEN tab, I'm allergic to Pen. too.
  15. My mom is a flight attendant, so I can fly for free! As soon as I'm 18 I'll definitely fly all over for some airsoft. That ghost town looks absolutely amazing. Doesn't seem like you guys have any n00b infestations around, so its safe to play! Hooah. I've never seen a group so large that loves gear as much as I do, every one of you all is geared out awesomely.
  16. Very nice high exposure shots. What was the timing on them?
  17. Medic just had to come steal the show....
  18. Very nice, I love your loadout. Definitely wish I had one like it.
  19. That is so awesome. Great loadout. Not too long until you'll have the real stuff. I've made some pretty tacticool mods this week. First: 550 cord Pistol Lanyard and belt loop. I have the melted tips covered in 100mph to protect it, along with the stitching on the webbing, so it does not get messed up. Next, I sewed some velcro on my dump pouch and top of the platform, so I can keep it open. I hit both pieces with Krylon tan, but only the rough hook side kept the paint. The soft loop side wouldn't take the paint. That adhesive backed velcro is real hard to push a needl
  20. Lol, I just took this as a joke to show ferretkiller. Thought I'd post it here. When I want to hide from customers, I just dawn the MultiCam!
  21. Yea, those I-OTV's look so cool. I'll be wearing one in a few years too. If they don't have us in Multicam and CIRAS's then.
  22. Oh noes. I hate to see the day when I post a picture in here, and my multicam is faded..and I have to buy a new set. After a few months with my converse boots, they look awful. Almost makes me want to buy a fresh new set.
  23. Dang, nice one Vic. Sweet eotech.
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