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Everything posted by 101matt1

  1. Thanks for the info M14. I'll keep you all updated as to weather or not it works. Ice Man, back off a bit man. Now can we please get back to pics?
  2. Listen. No need to get testy over this stuff. These are toy guns and toy gun parts. Now. I don't know about elsewhere, but I know I can get a M14 bolt/cocking handle whatever the hell you want to call it, the thing you pull back, for about 10-20 dollars. As far as it fitting, we'll see... Please now. Back on topic. EDIT: Also, Yeager knows more than either of us about airsoft guns, and he said that real steel parts will fit it. That's all I know.
  3. Nah, man, it seems fine to me. :-/
  4. Airsoft Club M14. Everything is cast off of real M14 parts. It should work. And about the price, well, my dad knows a guy who is a gun dealer and he specializes in M1 Garand/M14 parts. Hello cheap bolt.
  5. Yeah. I'm going to get a new bolt soon for it, since it takes real parts and I can get a real bolt for around $10 USD.
  6. I know...the last pic kind of sucks compaired to the rest of them...
  7. -Heh, yeah. I like my PASGT though. Just creates a different type of look to it. -The 'bush' is a fake 'tree'. -Yeah, I didn't even do that on purpose. -Ehh, whatever. Thanks guys for the comments. And I'm glad you see improvement.
  8. By popular demand: Midget holding M14: SWAT Marksman loadout of some sorts. Questions, comments, or in this case, laughs, are more than welcome.
  9. Alright... by popular demand, I'll take some pics later on.
  10. SWAT weapon. (again, trying to keep this thread alive ) Courtesy of Yeager. Airsoft Club M14 model B.
  11. New edition to the family: Courtesy of Yeager. Airsoft Club M14 model B. Externals on it are utter ######, but I'll work on fixing her up over time. A bit of a 'project gun'. I like it. Hitting man sized targets at about 150-170 ft easily. Got to be careful with it though.
  12. Shouldn't you put it on the left side of the belt? Or do you just prefer cross-drawing?
  13. Read the post above you. Some of a Tennessee team who is based on Multicam.
  14. Looks pretty nice. Which are you going to paint, the bipod or the gun.
  15. Nice stock there, Punisher. Looks like it was always meant to be there. I should be getting my little addition to this thread very soon.
  16. Heh. My camera battery was almost dead so I didn't have time to really think about how I was posing. Sorry 'bout that.
  17. Here's a local guy who is working on his SWAT loadout: Heh, excuse his stupid facial expression.
  18. Sorry for the crappy pics, but I didn't want to do a whole photoshoot for a gun that doesn't work..
  19. Very nice 'clean' styled looking gun there quicksilver. Looks great.
  20. You don't have to have a helmet to have a SWAT loadout. You can wear a boonie, baseball cap, or even nothing. But if you wear nothing, try to get some nice goggles (like ESS ICE) and a nice headset. Base Ball caps: http://www.wcso.net/images/Employees/SWAT/...school_07_2.jpg Nothing: http://arl.stanford.edu/projects/interacti...at_briefing.jpg Boonies: http://www.scsheriff.com/SWAT.jpg
  21. I'll be sure to get pics of my MARPAT SWAT loadout when my new MP5SD5 comes in. Also, here's a really great pic (considering this is a picture thread) of a SWAT team using the beautiful M14 and M14 SOCOM: (if anyone objects to me posting real SWAT pics, just let me know. i'd like to keep this thread alive )
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