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About Zilla

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  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    CA M15A4 Collapsed Stock Carbine
    WA Prokiller II
  • Country
    United States

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  1. Looks like: http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/SCP314-46173-1544.html for the scope and http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/ARR132-55697-1886.html for the rail covers. I love that website... Real steel accessories on an airsoft budget!
  2. I think it's in the gun room thread...
  3. Aimpoint and a supressor ala Black Hawk Down if anything... You've already got two high-tech beasts there. Leave one a little plain for a little diversity.
  4. That's the funny thing. There doesn't seem to be a defined 'Good Guy' or 'Bad Guy' Team. It's just Charlie vs. Delta; Each with their own objectives, etc. SO... Armalite + Tac Gearz is appropriate for either team. It pretty much boils down to what color you want to wear. Woodland or Tri-Color, sir?
  5. What's that little quote-thingy under your avatar say?
  6. To add to that... Almost impossible is the best way to describe it. The event is limited to 350 players. 'Vets' get dibs at most of the slots. Registration opens up to non-vets a week or two later (and they do reserve a small number of slots for non-vets to try and keep it open to almost anybody). I don't know about this year, but last year (when I checked into going) non-vets had to have a vet vouch for them in addition to being fast enough to grab one of the few non-vet slots which sell out in no time. Oh! - And last year's registration fee was over 200 dollars. You got alot for that 200 b
  7. I always carry a folding knife... period.
  8. Me, too! (Actually, she knows how much stuff is there physically, but I only 'fess up to about 50-75% of what this stuff actually costs.) Edit: lol... Reminds me of an episode of The Unit where the character, Jonas said "I fear no man... And one woman."
  9. Technically, you would be correct, but then all of the other brands of weapon would not belong here either (Stoner, Colt, Bushmaster, etc.). Only Armalite brand trademark bearing weapons would be on this thread if that were the case. By trfo20's description, yes... but I don't neccassarily agree with that either. This thread should be called 'The AR15/M16/M4 Picture Thread' - but it's not. Like I said, everyone here just simply calls anything built on the AR platform Armalites. It's kinda like when people call a hydration system a Camelback, even though it could be another brand t
  10. Didn't we just have this conversation? People on this forum are using 'Armalite' as a generic term for anything using the AR-15/M-16 paltform.
  11. At what FPS? (Please PM if it's above forum limits)... Thanks in advance!
  12. Well, they are as much as Colts, FNs, Bushmasters, etc. are.
  13. Ok. lol... I didn't even think about the netting when you brought it up, which left me scratching my head about what possible use you could have for the shorts themselves. I dunno... Maybe, cut the little Hawiian flowers out for stencils?...
  14. Swimtrunks?? Please elaborate...
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